Food 2004: What is your BEEF today?

Ok folks....Friday-afternoon and again....early Happy/Dinner-hour-time here in Holland!
Thank God i have again my camera/PB&wifi-connection here to load everything up and put them in an instant online!

- Various snacks middle-eastern style& Turkish warm bread&white wine
- Chicken & beef in between in spicey sauce
- Mushroom soup &shrimp
- Lobster Turkish style
- glass of my champagne & Creme Bulee&sweet sauce.



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If a guy didn't know better that warm Turkish bread looks like a cut of meat from here! Well I had fish tonight, baked in a mushroom sauce,carrots & green beans on the side.
cigar yumm ... :D

i had home made bean soup for the dinner .. too lazy to take a pic and upload it. a mixture of beans, not from ONE package but of many, so it has blackeye beans and garbanzos (i love both), rice, a lot of other type of beans (about 10 of the 15 types we have home) .. cooked for about 1 hour, yum. just salt, red pepper, rosemary, oregano, salt .. after that, one beer (don't feel like opening the wine). and there are fresh cannoli in the fridge.
Saturday and just had a fine healthy'simple' dinner tonight:

Grande Sushi & Miso soup.


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Saturday nights is pizza for a gastronomical treat in this house.Veggie pizza this time.A pizza is a pizza so no pic tonight.
Evening Sundaynight

- Home-cooked Surinam pork-dish


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I know I'm only speaking for myself,but that pork looks like it needs to be cooked more!I remember our local gourmet seem to always just get the cut of meat barely cooked.Is this the way they're taught?I like my beef with absolutely no pink showing as an example of my tastes.

Salmon with fries&vegetables.


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mmh.. a fast of a few days in this thread, it seems ;)

no picture here, but i was starving 20 minutes ago. I made an egg white omelette (only the whites) with a bit of pecorino (sheep cheese) and black olives. Yum ... Too hungry to take pictures though. There is some salad left, if anyone is hungry.. ;)
No thanks. Vegetarian here.. :)

I had just Ben & Jerry's (ice cream), 'Dublin mudslide' for dinner. That and a terrible storm that is out there makes that I have felt very sleepy all night. I'm running on battery, maybe I'll go cooking something to kill time ...
Apparently Giaguara you aren't a hardcore veggie,what with eating goat cheese, eggwhites & such.Well it's good to see you aren't one of those extremist vegans. :rolleyes:Oh I had ham tonight for supper.
I have been that hardcore one too, for years, untill these last few years. I felt fine that way except that it limited too seriously my social life. If I ate out, teh options were part of this salad and part of that salad, and still get sick after, and a lot of attention is drawn to what is and what isn't on your plate. I felt fine the way I cooked, more towards 'living food' and raw food - but I cut slowly back. The social life, its limiting it, was the number 1 reason.

I cut back, and have sometimes a bit of cheese, sometimes a bit of ice cream, sometimes even fish or seafood, on special occasions. I still don't drink milk (it'd not the most compatible thing on this planet with my stomach), and more often the cheese is .. a spoon of grated sheep cheese than anything 'normal'.

I did felt very good as the hardcore vegan, and it feels sad to say that the social life was mostly the reason of being back to more 'normal'. It was too high a price for feeling physically good to be isolated by food, so the extreme hardcore can limit the life as much as an eating disorder. I needed social life, without being sick every single time afrer eating some cooked food too. (There have been periodical returns to that path. When I get too sick, that fixes it. But unless you have a family and friends that all follow that way of living and eating, and support you for 100 % on it, it is hard.)

Would I be more sick, I'd return there again. So I am something in the middle of the ways. I spent nearly 15 years being afraid of eggs (I could not decide morally if they were ok, now I eat sometimes egg whites), casual milk, fish... those, of the social point of life, can add another aspect. You go out say with your friend or your family, and they don't have to feel they are in a 'cow restaurant' (where everything edible they'd see on the menus would be salads, green, green, green) and you don't have to have that much struggle every single time.

I should add some weird allergies to the limit list. Onions. Plus add gluten free to the list. Makes it still an adventure to find anything, but hey, it is life. People need social life, and it's sad when the food limits the options too much. Luckily the people around don't find it a big issue me not eating meat [including chicken, hams, bacons etc]. And it can help you feel better when you have around you people who like the food you do - say in this case mostly vegetarian food, ethnichly mixing (something south European (Sicilian), something Brazilian & Argentine & other South American, and something Japanese combined in art), and with a lot of spices. Cooking can be fun - but it needs normally 2 people or more to cook for, to make it more interesting.
After all is said & done let all of us on here be thankfull we at least have a choice of what we can eat.When you think of all those poor souls in the developing world crying out for nutrition of some kind you realize how fortunate we really are.
Hee folks... i'm back after a small world-tour with the girlfriend and here ofcourse a pic of her and the late lunch i just had.(wich is a chicken soup surinam style with small noodles in it and a steak sandwich)
Looking forward to your livelyness again in this thread.


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Good to have you back cigar I was wondering if you had to go on a diet or something!So what fine cuisine did you sample on your travels?Will you be replicating these new dishes for us to see? What qualifies as a "small world tour" anyway?Before I forget, my compliments on the girlfriend.Heres hoping you aren't the easily enraged type for me looking at your girl ;)
Eeejjjj How're you all doing.
I was travelling trough the States and Asia for a while.
And regarding the girlfriend.Nah... i know she attracts other guy's but on the other hand.I myself am an easy going guy whois just proud to have her as my other half at the moment.

I had some DUTCH hollandse nieuwe aka Haring!
Nice :)

I had rice with blue cheese and salad for lunch. I forgot my camera cable in US so I can't upload pics ..
mmmh, Hollandse Nieuwe ... :D

I had soup tonight, with, let's see ... carrots, onion, potatoes, celery (all of these organic :) ) with various herbs and spices (lots of pepper) and mie (chinese rice-flour-noodles).

We just had yomio (a kind of yoghurt) with kiwi (the fruit, not the bird ... ;) ) as a dessert.