Formatting a new PB 15''


I just got a new Powerbook 15 inch. This is going to be pretty much my first experience with a mac. At least with OS X.

I know it is probably pointless to format a new computer but I really want to know how things work, how things get installed and how OS X detects my integrated devices.

My main concern was will Airport, Bluetooth, Video drivers and brightness/volume controls keys work after I format? Is that managed with OS X or some other apple software?

Also will I be able to choose programs not to be installed like garage band & things like that?

Is there anything I need to be aware of? Will I lose alot of features that come with my stock computer?

Any help will be greatly appreciated
I don't agree that wiping and restoring a brand new system is 'pointless'! Occasionally a system ships with a corrupted system install (although not as common as on a new Windows system, but it does happen) I would reinstall if I had strange problems, freezes, errors when opening software, etc. Also, some may prefer a multi-partition setup on the hard drive, and that's the only way to get there. And a brand new system will have nothing that needs backing up, just do a full restore, and you're ready to install your other software, whatever that might be.
None of the built-in features will work after 'formatting' the hard drive (Apple prefers the term 'initialize' or 'erase' but the result is the same), until you restore the software. The items you mentioned are all provided through the basic install of OS X.
You can choose to do a custom install of OS X, but some of the Apple iApps cannot be selected individually, although some can.
You won't lose any features, but a custom install may leave you without certain software, which you can then choose to add at a later time.
Thanks, If this was a windows box I would format no questions asked, I know the horribleness of a brand new compaq or hp.

I hope my network card works right away so I can download the newest drivers for my other stuff.
I expect you won't have to worry about your network interface (or your other internal hardware), it'll just work (You have a Mac, now!)

Ask here if you do have any problems, or any questions. Lots of great users here that are glad to provide answers for you. :)
Everything works out of the box with a fresh install. Network cards (wired and wireless), video cards, sound, DVD burning, DVD playing, most digital and DV cameras, printers, the whole shebang just works. You need to get out of the Windows mentality and relax.
ra3or said:
I can play dvds without decoder software or hardware decoder?

if that is true...then WOOW!

Well, not true, I suppose the DVD player is a software decoder, you would always need an app that provides decoding, but the DVD player is a native part of the system, nothing extra is needed.
Is there a tweak guide to os x? things I should turn off, remove, change, uninstall stuff like that?
You have a couple of different options when you decide to install OS X... once you get to the installer screen and it's telling you to hit "Install" to install OS X, you can instead click the "Customize" button (bottom left-hand corner of the window) and select and deselect packages to install. I would highly recommend leaving "Additional Applications" and "BSD Subsystem" checked, but you can uncheck any printer drivers or localization languages you don't want or need to save space.

I usually turn off most of the printer drivers and all of the additional languages, plus the "Additional Speach Voices", and OS X only takes up about 1.8GB initially.

Also, after a fresh OS X install, before you install any of your applications and what-not, run "Software Update" (in the blue Apple menu at the top-right of the screen) to bring your system up-to-date. Simply run it, make sure all the updates are checked, and hit install. If the computer needs to restart, it will, otherwise it won't. Keep running Software Update until "No updates are available for your computer" shows up. Don't worry: it'll be FAR less than a clean Windows XP install needs initially through Windows Update. ;)