FTP clients that will resume????


I am wondering whether there is a ftp client that can resume and do remote ftp to ftp transfers on OSX? Kind if like how flashfxp works for the pc. I am having nightmares with fetch when downloading files that are huge (600 meg graphics files) and then getting cut off. Fetch just downloads from the beginning. Anyone know any?


Fetch resumes if you ask him. Command-R if I recall well.
I have used it some time ago and I remember resuming film downloads.
OS X's command line ftp client also supports resumed dowloads, through the "reget" command.

"Fetch was the first Mac FTP client to support resuming downloads, and now in version 4.0 that functionality is available even if you have quit Fetch or your computer has crashed in mid-transfer."
Most FTP clients worth their salt support resumed uploads and downloads. Fetch also supports remote to remote transfers (also with resume), so it fits the bill.

RBrowser Lite is also one of the few graphical Mac OS X FTP client to support remote to remote transfers -- and it's free (although its interface is a bit klunky).
In order to get Fetch to resume a file transfer, just double click the partially downloaded file. It will open in fetch and pick up where it left off.