mdnky said:
Err... lemme guess. Because in the UK at least, back in the late 1700s and early 1800s, the whole anti-slave movement was started by Bible believing Christians, who became convinced from the Bible that God created man equal and that slavery was wrong? Look up James Ramsay, John Newton, and William Wilberforce.
Keep in mind though, that these people were Christians who believed in the Bible, and used the Bible as the basis of determining what's right or wrong. To over-simplify things, they looked at what scripture said, and became convinced that slavery was wrong, and the sweeping reforms were necessary.
The situation now with gay marriages is completely different. The churches that do support it, don't really believe the Bible. To support their argument, they point to the bits in the Bible that talk about God who's loving, but then they completely ignore the other bits in the Bible where this loving God says that gay sexual-relationship is wrong. If you believe that God is loving, then you must accept that he does things in your best interest. So if he prohibits gay relationships it must be in your best interest, even if you don't agree with/understand it. Any good parent will impose prohibitions on their children as long as it is in their best interest. The child does not necessarily agree/understand, I know I didn't!
As a Bible believing Christian, whose moral compass is the word of God, you can't expect me to suddenly do an about turn and impose an idea that doesn't fit in with what I know the Bible says. That would make me a hypocrite.
This isn't an attack against gays. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I'll persecute/reject you. The Bible does tell us to love one another. The Greek word love here is
agape, which is like the love a father shows his son. It isn't
eros which has a sexual meaning to it. So Christians are called to love everyone, including gays.
That is why many of the churches in the UK are against gay marriage. That is why I am against gay marriage. It may be that you don't believe in the Bible, it may be that you believe in 'something', not the God who has revealed himself in the Bible. You may now walk away thinking that Christians are the worst bigots, the homophobes, the hypocrites. The whole reason Christians are willing to stand up on this issue and be ridiculed by society isn't because they get some kick out of doing it, and ego trip, or because of some martyr complex. It is because we believe in the Bible, and we believe that it is in the best interest of everybody, especially gays that what the Bible says is followed. If Christians believe in that, would it be loving for them to turn a blind eye, and allow gay marriage to go ahead unchallenged?