Originally posted by treetopflyer
OS X is ridiculous! I read all of this spin saying how it was going to be the world's most advanced os, and decided to buy it.. as it turns out, running on my graphite iMac with 256 MB Ram, it is the world's slowest os. When I use instant messenger, I can type faster than the computer can think.. when I resize windows, it takes a few years for it to work. and that stupid dock is so big and clumsy.. I wish apple could have made an OS that was faster and better rather than prettier. and I call up apple and they say..."uhhh.. you can't uninstall it"
Obviously everyone is experiencing the same thing.. It is slow around the edges no mater what you tweek. Don't use a background image, its a tad faster. But I'm frustrated to. you can modify the dock and windows nicely, BUT WE CAN'T TURN OFF REALTIME WINDOW DRAG, and GRAPHIC GROUP DRAGGING?!?! That was indeed a ridiculous move. I've noticed some applications (AIM for OSX) has gone back to 'rubberband'

For a lot of us, OSX is not finished.. we are all using OS 9.1 to do our work...
As a designer, OSX is useless until Wacom and Adobe get it together. Still, it's a neat toy.
For those expecting OSX to save their lives.. its a big put down when they discover not really ready for primetime!
It may be another year before we are all happy. In the mean time it's back to OS 9.1 and I'm sick of it. Day after day I must see my so called fast G4 come to a slow crawl when I insert a disc and it accesses it every time I want to scratch my ass.