Glossy or anti-glare?


I just bought a MacBook Pro (2.53/4GB) and I am just a tad disappointed with the graphics.

Could it be that (after much agonising) I opted for the glossy screen?

I feel that I want to adjust the contrast, but I don't know how.
Some people like glossy, some don't. Seems to be dependent upon what the computer will be used for. I have to agree -- glossy screens are very contrast-y, which is what they were designed for. They're intended to give deeper blacks and colors that "pop" more.

I like glossy, but I have a non-glossy screen as well on another computer that I use for color accuracy (print media, etc.).
The glossy screens do have a crispness about them. You just have to make sure you have no light shining on the gloss directly, which indoors can usually be quite a problem. The matte displays, while not as crisp, obviously have nothing to worry about in terms of glare.

At least the glossy screens mean a revival of the anti-glare filter screens business. :p
I always hear people complaining about how terrible their glossy screens are, but I've never had a problem with the one on my MacBook; the screen always looks great on it.

EDIT: Also, if there is any glare at all, then I just turn up the brightness and it fixes the problem pretty well.
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OK. Thank you. Overall I am delighted with the Macbook Pro. It's a pleasure to own.
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