Go Apple Go Apple !!!!!

Wow, I'm surprised nobody has offered up THIS suggestion, but what about...


It's not a Mac... and it has so much more potential to become the true hub to the "hubs" known as computers...

btw, if I'm right, do I get a prize?
Hey, good idea. Apple <i>does</i> need to get an upgraded Airport out there soon, what with Proxim announcing their new <a href="http://www.proxim.com/products/all/harmony/8450/">54Mbps 802.11a</a> cards. I don't think the public will buy a Megabit Myth from Apple PR as well :)
I'm still jonesing for a nice touch sensitive webpad. An iBook with the internals stuffed behind the screen and an (optional?) wireless keyboard. Something that puts the internet (and my localnet) in convenient, magazine-sized access point. That would be too mac-like for this announcement though :(
When Apple says it's a "breakthrough", than I think it won't be a PDA or a MP3 player...in the past, when Apple unveiled a "breakthrough", it in fact was a breakthrough!!! The iMac! The Cube! The DVD-RW equipped G4s. All stuff that hasn't existed before...my guess is it could be some kind of a all-in-one media device, portable, which plays all kinds of codecs...think if a portable Quicktime player...you could listen to MP3, watch movies, connect to live streams if it has some kind of a modem in it (maybe cell phone GPRS technologie) and you could immiditealy watch movie clips you just recorded with your camera and stuff like that...for an affordable price...of course, it might something completely different, but that's the dimension of "breakthrough" I think of ;)
While apple said that they didnt want to enter the turbulent waters of the PDA world I think they have a opportunity if they did enter it.

I have a palm pilot and have been happy with it, I had to search high and low to get software to sync it with my Desktop Windows PC (shudder) at work. We use Lotus Notes so Palm dont support it nativlely.

But if apple figured out how to make a well priced, functional PDA that connected to the major Groupware programs on both platforms I would be happy. Perhaps then I can sync my PDa on my desktop at work and on my g4 at home.

But I think its a bit of a wish list for them to make a PDA. Just that they make the best PC's im sure they could make the best PDA.
Imagine a PDA with MacOS 9.2...when I look at modern PDAs, I think it would be possible to bring a MacOS to it, of course not with all the function of 9.2, but something like Windows CE only with MacOS...I think it could be good...

but again, a PDA wouldn't be a "breakthrough" I think...
Well Steve jobs loves to pull satin sheets off new toys.. His last one was the g4 with the super drive (actually it was the new ibook eh.. dont matter)

So what if they have some kind of SUPER PDA.. (lemmie explain)

Look at all the small gadget's one carries around. I Have a palm pilot, a nokia mobile with a built in calender (i dont use it) and some people have like portable MP3 players etc etc

What if apple have a new PDA/MP3 player. Or some other kind of mix of gadgets. Ericsson have a mp3 playing mobile, so does samsung and panasonic.

So it is not unreasonable for it to happen, the iPAQ can play mp3s but its not something you could use as a walkman. But if appled pulled that off then i would say it would be a breakthrough. If apple could tie a few devices together then it would save you having to carry heaps of expensive gadgets.
Finally recognition for my Birthday! (cheque books at the ready -- will someone remind my fiancee as well!!)

Hmmm, I hope the news is going to be more exciting than an Airport 2, the hype in the next few days will far exceed this type of news.:(

(for convenience, i can set up a Paypal account for my birthday gifts?;) )
Well...it's no Mac....IT'S THE APPLE IV ;) OR MAGGIE, the new superworkstation after LISA!!!

LOL, drink lees coffee, ulrik...drink less coffee
Maybe they want to announce a new technology or something.. Like g5

Or maybe its a company announcement like they just brought out someone out or found out how to get the other 95% market share.

What other new technologies are floating around, Airport 2, Firewire 2, USb 2, G5...

I'ts probably something really simple and we are just getting carried away making a wish list.
To make the 'digital hub' really work, I think what you need is a simple way to connect your Mac with your existing stereo and TV. With such a device you could enjoy your dvd:s and mp3:s full quality. A remote control, would be great for it too...

I would love to plug that in between my TV, stereo and iBook...
Everyone's thinking this is giong to be bigger than it actually is. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it will be cool .. but it's not going to be anything like a PDA/tablet device. Here's what we know:
  • supposed to be some kind of a 'digital hub'
  • it's a collaboration between the iTunes & Quicktime dev teams and another self-contained team.
  • it is the first of several Digital Hub devices
  • Apple said it was going to be 'affordable'

Now that leaves much to be desired, but I think we can rule out Airport 2, a PDA/tablet, and the new Cube. I think the ideas of it being some streaming music playing device that works with Airport is closer to the ball .. but as everyother idea in this thread, thats just my shallow opinion.

On another note, this announcement is supposed to be available on streaming Quicktime Tuesday morning, does anyone have any knowledge of this?
Maybe something like a digatal web cam that runs through QT and also is able to stream voice!

Something like u can use when u play a game and u can talk to ppl while playing in your teams...
That would be cool and make sense with the digital hub scene!

Guys Im sorry but it just isnt a PDA, if it were Apple would wait for a macworld, its just to big a deal. This is a piece of hardware that works with current macs and osx.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
All you need is a A/V mac with RCA & S-video ins and outputs ;)

Then perhaps just the remote, with a nice interface, say with a backlit lcd-display, from which you can control your mp3-music, and dvd-playback. Can be controlled via airport or bluetooth.
The technology to control appliances alraedy exists..it has to do with pluging some sort of device in to your computer and into a power suply and it control all electrical appliances in the house, even blenders... I dont know what its called or who makes it though :p (or maybe it was just a demo ;) )

As far as remotes, bluetooth is probably better since its newer. Airport for wireless MP3 players he he. You can put this in your living room and the computer is gonna transmit to this device -- Maybe a small touchpad remote (alla PADD) would be nice to control song selection and other music playing features ;)
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Airport for wireless MP3 players he he. You can put this in your living room and the computer is gonna transmit to this device -- Maybe a small touchpad remote (alla PADD) would be nice to control song selection and other music playing features ;)

The remote could have a display showing the funky iTunes visualizations too... :D