Go Apple Go Apple !!!!!

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
small grammatical correction

alla = french word for "in the fashion/manner of"
allah = arabic word for god :p


Sorry, but you lose the $1000 for the daily double. :D

"alla" is not French. It is Italian. "à la" is french (that's "a la" where the first a has a accent with the top pointing to the left, the grave accent)

I hope that clears it up. ;)
Did you found some info about those mp3 into apple site?

I've looked for thos einfo to reply to a post, and i did not find anything... well i did not search long: Do not try to oprn your iDisk from the net when it's already on your desktop... crashes the finder...
Yeah, I know it's kind of stupid to do that, I just forgot it was already there !
i wouldnt get my hopes up for that... if Apple made an advertisement for whatever it is they are releasing on the 23rd it would be an actual picture of the product not a rendering.... but if that is what they are releasing, im ordering my on the 23rd
*Does double take*

Wow, it's either a really cool product, or someone did a WONDERFUL job with Photoshop. Either way, it's cool
On the alla thing... my mistake ;)
Innexcusable I know :p

On the iPad, Nice graphic work whoever did it,

on the device... my bets fo towards FW2, USB2, Aiport2
The iPad would be cool to have! Although, remember, getting into the PDA market is not a good thing right now, and even Apple is experiencing the economic hits that come with this slowdown (even though they had profits). Let's not forget this. So I don't think Apple would be releasing this -- they need something that REALLY stimulates interest (although OSX2Go would be f*#@ing awesome!!!) among Mac and non-Mac users alike.

Although, it would be hilarious if that pic was an inside picture instead of someone creating it ;). It DOES look so real!!! Especially the way they put OS X inside the display of the iPad... DAMN good graphics! :D
Whatever IT is it will be usable by non mac users (get 'em hooked), but will be sooooooo much better with a mac (up that marketshare).
Personally I dont like this design :P
there are reasons of course.
1) Relative size, it looks TOO big to be a PDA. We are talking about the newton being big, this looks bigger than the newton (OS screenshotdevice size ratio doesnt cut it)

2) I think by now many people in the OS field have realized that you cant take the desktop OS and put it on a PDA, it just wont work. M$ learned the hard way with its Windows CE OS. The OS on this screenshot doesnt look nor does it feel like a PDA OS.

I think the PDA market *now* is very...uummm... set in.
If apple *did* make a PDA it would have to make one when Palm moved from its dragonball processors to StrongARM. Lots of people have palms now and thus have software for it. If apple made a PDA it would have to provide some sort of compatibility with contacts & dates at least and hopefully the software so people would not lose their investments (the same issue on the minds of wintel people migrating to mac). If and when Palm migrates to StrongARM, then would be a good time because palm will be offering something new and will be going through a transition like apple did when it moved from the 68k to the PPC. That will be a good time for an apple PDA.

Also one must factor in the PocketPC platform. PocketPC is up and coming. It overcame its initial hurdes (I think) and new PDA buyers go to it/will be going to it. The window for apple to make and sell its PDA would be Before M$ gets some sort of hands up in the market, but while palm is going throught a transition.

Also, this new PDA will have to pack A LOT of punch but will have to be cheap (in comparison with the competition). The "pack a lot of punch" I can elaborate if someone requests it.

I will now shut up and wait for your responces :)

I'm just going to post my random theory of what it will be:

a remote PC-crasher. You know, point it at a PC, and it crashes. I'd buy one. Heck, I'd buy ten of them.

Only thing is, there's probably something illegal about it.
Okay let me just say this:
I'm an Apple Loyalist (11 apples living in my house and hopefully will have a new member when the G5's come out). Thus my opinion will be kinda swayed.

A new PDA? YES YES YES I HOPE HOPE HOPE. Okay, I may not get the whole business aspect of PDA's cuz I'm in high school with a Palm Vx. But Apple releasing something with the creativity of Mac OS X and the originality of Mac (Ha Windows eat that), would be rocking'. If Apple releases one that is color, as thin as a palm Vx, and a good assortment of software with it (photo album, calendar, mail, ext. keyboard, memo pad) Then I will be slapping down whatever amount it is! (I figure it would be better than waiting for the second gen. m505)

MP3 player? unlikely. - why do I say this? Because everyone makes them!!!! Apple needs to think of something creative - like an mp3 player where you create the playlist from the computer which taps into a satellite data base. so you never have to buy more memory. That would be the day. oh well - we'll see tuesday :)
Originally posted by Red Phoenix
I'm just going to post my random theory of what it will be:

a remote PC-crasher. You know, point it at a PC, and it crashes. I'd buy one. Heck, I'd buy ten of them.

Only thing is, there's probably something illegal about it.

Cool. This would be to much fun at work.

PC crasher would be Phun ;)
I will just crash the PCs, have PHun watching people pull their hair out of their scalp, come in, save teh day, make some extra $$$ lol :p