Personally I dont like this design

there are reasons of course.
1) Relative size, it looks TOO big to be a PDA. We are talking about the newton being big, this looks bigger than the newton (OS screenshotdevice size ratio doesnt cut it)
2) I think by now many people in the OS field have realized that you cant take the desktop OS and put it on a PDA, it just wont work. M$ learned the hard way with its Windows CE OS. The OS on this screenshot doesnt look nor does it feel like a PDA OS.
I think the PDA market *now* is very...uummm... set in.
If apple *did* make a PDA it would have to make one when Palm moved from its dragonball processors to StrongARM. Lots of people have palms now and thus have software for it. If apple made a PDA it would have to provide some sort of compatibility with contacts & dates at least and hopefully the software so people would not lose their investments (the same issue on the minds of wintel people migrating to mac). If and when Palm migrates to StrongARM, then would be a good time because palm will be offering something new and will be going through a transition like apple did when it moved from the 68k to the PPC. That will be a good time for an apple PDA.
Also one must factor in the PocketPC platform. PocketPC is up and coming. It overcame its initial hurdes (I think) and new PDA buyers go to it/will be going to it. The window for apple to make and sell its PDA would be Before M$ gets some sort of hands up in the market, but while palm is going throught a transition.
Also, this new PDA will have to pack A LOT of punch but will have to be cheap (in comparison with the competition). The "pack a lot of punch" I can elaborate if someone requests it.
I will now shut up and wait for your responces