good idea???

look, i know people have other things to do, but it has been an enitre week and nobody has even commented on my work, much less participated in the original idea of passing around a design and seeing it evolve. i did the first one. is my stuff so bad that nobody wants to touch it?

what gives? :confused:

if nobody is going to continue the work, could you at least give me the respect of feedback equal to that you are giving benp for his website?
my memory is getting bad :p
I thought this thread was new and started reading from the beginning again lol.
I saw something from you (which was nice) but cant remember what :eek: -- what is new ??? I think I saw the nummi thing you did...which one do you want us to take a look at ? :p

yes Admiral, Nummi started a thread that was so fascinating that we filled up 5 pages worth in a few hours. complete with graphics and whining and bitter in-fighting and in which i get my ego bruised and battered for trying to do something constructive. (insert worlds tiniest violin here)

I give up. may this thread rest in pieces.:(
Hey Ed..ever considered being part of an acting guild ? he he ;) --- YOu are good for it :D
(Maybe it will revamp this thread:p)

I will go on be...or to be ??? :p

I like you fairy a lot. Would you mind if I used it. I am not sure what for... but I like it a lot.
thanks again Nummi. That's why i put it up, to see what you or anybody else might be able to do with it. as long as you share what you do with it, you are free to use it anyway you want. i might not be too thrilled if you stick needles in her eyes but other than that...:p oh, and no developing ad campaigns for m$, aol, B of A or the republican party;)
cloudnine - just follow my links and start playing. i look forward to seeing what you do:)
Okay, I want to play too!

I have Photoshop 6, I have Illustrator 10... heck I even have eariler versions of both!

I'm a web developer, with a background in design.

Oh, and whoever said they were still running Quark 3.3, you rock! That version was the version that didn't need upgrading. I used that program for years! I was actually a bit upset when I 'had' to upgrade to 4.0 at work.

At least the alien made it to version 4...
same answer oh evil one:D

grab something and play. probably best to say what but frankly i'll be thrilled if we just start playing!!

btw - nummi is not likely to be back. so play without worrying about what he might be doing.

Let's start off by making you a better website to post your files to.

I'm a web developer, we could design something that would be a bit more interesting than the default file sharing page from Apple.

If you're interested, I'd donate my time...

email me at and we'll set up a time to chat.
Here's a look at my additions to Nummi's original posting.

Not my best work, but it's a start. I have some originals for people to consider adding to, shall I post them?


  • nummi-evildan_1.jpg
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This one might just make all of you think I'm insane... but I struggled. I found it hard to come up with anything from what I had to start with. No offence ED, just easier to work with Nummi's starter images than what you provided so far.

I think the element missing with this game is discussion. There are a lot of artistic rules that can, when broken, demonstrate a misunderstanding of art.

If this game is going to grow, which I hope it does, I think we're going to have to create some order (which in turn will allow some disorder in the designs).

I'd be very interested in helping out, if there was a need/want for it.


I can be emailed at:


  • evildanraster.jpg
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dan, i am not at all offended that you chose not to work from my versions. it wasn't the original idea of this, but that is ok. far better we do and discuss than agree to watch.

i liked what you did with nummi's original. i think you did a good job of continuing and extending his original design.

there is something about the .dev.lqd design you worked on that i find unattractive. one element i can id is the lack of a pure black. i like the greys, but some where iwant something to pop with a color or black.
also the mess that looks like scribbles at first glance. far too distracting for my eyes. it looks like you had an idea and after spending so much time with it you couldn't let go of it.

but the basic design of using the circles and echoing the original design were very effective i thought.

my vote is to encourage discussion and ignore rules of play for right now. arguing over rules is what stalled this thread in the first place.
so how can i get a copy of yours to show, rather than tell, what i would do differently?