good idea???

I also like your addition to my origional... Very Good :) Now we just need a few more people and we can continue the Photoshop Metamorphosis thingy.

It's clear I struggled with the second file... Thanks for the opinion of my work. Good thoughts.

I am working on setting up a site to act as a download for my original eps files.

Hope to have something done today. When it's setup, I'll post the address.
You can download my original files at the following web address


Feel free to email me with your comments:

Thanks, I look forward to more projects. Are there any other starter projects other than the ones posted?
This is Nummi... just saying hi from a friends account. LET ME BACK IN PLEASE !!!!!!

I want to participate in the DesignCrowd Again.
Nummi, I don't think there is a design crowd anymore. I have not heard anything from anyone. No more starter files... :-(

I'd like to start production on a website for it, if anyone is interested... we could really get it going.
i did some stuff with yours dan. i should have it up by tomorrow.. just wanted to have more than one thing to do before i go thru the wait with graphic converter;)
ok, a day late from promises but here is one of the two revisions i made to Dan's revision of .dev.lqd logo. It wasn't while working on these that i realized the letters are dev. in essence dan added a dot.

this is the one i like most - simple


  • eddanraster.jpg
    40.4 KB · Views: 13
here is a slightly different version. i abandoned this one but still liked enough to share. but really, too much going on


  • eddanraster1.jpg
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Okay, I've got a two versions in response to you're files Ed...

The one entitled : edDanRaster2.eps (and jpg) is not for the weak hearted. It has some complex pathing on it, so I had to save it as Illustrator 9. So stakes are high if you want to play with that one.

But being the ever kind person that I am, I saved a version with out all of the fun additions. It's saved in Illustrator 5 and I entitled it edDanRaster3.eps (and jpg).

I also included my source files on my iTools webpage... feel free to download them. I have them stored there in collections and individual stuffed files. So you may download only what you need or everything all at once.

All source files can be found here

Images to follow in next two postings by me. Again, be warned edDanRaster2 is NOT in Illustrator 5.
Here's one that came from Ed's Posting today:

edDanRaster2.jpg is the name.

Find all origianls at the link in my previous post.


  • eddanraster2.jpg
    98.9 KB · Views: 19
Here's the other that came from Ed's Posting today:

edDanRaster3.jpg is the name.

Find all origianls at the link in my previous post.


  • eddanraster3.jpg
    98 KB · Views: 17
Another thing to mention, ED, you might want to consider coverting your colors to RGB, in Illustrator... they appear as a pattern fill becuase they are CMYK when you take them into your graphics program. (Photoshop). Look for the RGB color set in Illustrator and build using those colors.

Unless that's the look you were going for, then nevermind.

Thanks for the color tip Dan. I'll try that next time. I like the revisions you did. I particularly liked the use of color tones to help add dimension and provide unity at the same time.

So Nummi, when are we going to see what you have done with my fairy pic? everybody else can try that as well if they are brave enough;)
I have not used the fairy yet. I might make a desktop pattern with it. I will put it on this thread as soon as I finish it.