
It's gone now, sadly... :( Hopefully they're just performing some upgrades -- it was announced by Google themselves, so I know it was intended for public use.

I kinda liked it.
Considering Apple's reaction in the past to Dock-like programs for other platforms and their litigous nature, I wonder if it wasn't quickly decided that this would NOT be something that Apple would be happy with, and taken down for that reason?
Erh... Whatever the reason for it vanishing: It wasn't in any way _great_, was it? Just the usual Google links with some fancy rollover fx. If you really need that, do it yourself in Flash or something...
Yea I don't get why every tech site in the world thinks this is the sweetest thing to come by in months. If M$ had done this, no one would have cared and they would have boo'ed. However since Google is the almighty savior of internet searching, everyone worships it.

If Google released thier own text editing program, I bet everyone would switch from Word/Pages/etc to it...
Was that cool? Guess it's debatable. I turn off Dock magnification on my Mac as I find it quite annoying and my eye sight isn't that bad yet :).
i have a little magnification, because i like the scaling of the images, but i agree in the extreme, dock magnification is irritating after about 2 minutes.

the google thing is ok, but nothing particularly special.... it takes time to load up all the rollovers as well, so the effect is sort of lost. plus the icons are kinda crap
Not a fan of the magnification thing, works fine in GoogleX, but in real life, it means that your dock, when full, is hard to target. I hate when my icons are moving all over the place left and right.
thats why the key is to only magnify them marginally so you still get the functionality of the dock along with the eye candy
Someone over at Slashdot provided a link for the entire GoogleX website/graphics. I was fortunate to get a copy. It does immitate the Mac OS X Dock pretty well.