Greatest Mac review ever...............

What a complete and utter tool!

What truly scares me, however, is he is probably licensed to drive on the streets my family traverses...

and vote too...

Even worse, check out his blog. He's relishing in the free publicity! He's such a troll..there's no doubting it. I'm still shocked he's a lawyer/marketing guy. Maybe he should have a chat with Steve Jobs about what he things works with marketing. :D

I guess everyone deserves their 15 minutes of fame, eh? :rolleyes:
I am shocked that you are shocked, that fact that he is a marketing guy explains everything! You know they are psycho don't you? You should see them when the are all lathered up and trying to work their marketing woo on hapless 'customers'!

I have to go sit down now... Breathe... 1... 2... 3...
(Promise you won't let the crack marketing team talk to the customer while I am gone. Promise!!!)

// This mini mental breakdown has been brought to you by the letters 'B' and 'S', and the number 'Q'.

/// I know 'Q' is not a number but the marketing dept, promised the customer it was! So we are sponsored by the number Q, don't struggle it only makes things hurt more.
The love the part when he said:
For me the killer was the Web browser. Safari simply cannot read Flash. It is, quite simply, a second-rate browser.

OMG, how can anyone bite on this one?