Happy Independance Day, Iraq!

I reiterate what I posted in another thread: Iraq was in no way responisble for 9-11, no hijacker was from Iraq, Saddam did not have ties with Al-Quaeda, no fundamentalists were hiding in Iraq, Iraq was probably the most secular state in the middle-East. The USA helped Bin-Laden economically and directly with weapons and intelligence, to combat the "phantom menace" of the Sovject Republic. Now they reap their rewards.

Invading a country while unprovoked is not foreign policy, it is a criminal act in international legislation, on a par with terrorism IMO.

Every single inspector up to now has stated the Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction after 1995, they did not develop them, they did not buy uranium from Nigeria, they did not hide them in Syria. What could they possibly offer terrorists? Rusted trucks?

Again, I repeat, there are more reasons to fear the USA than to fear Iraq:
Bush maintains that despite the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam Hussein posed "a grave and gathering threat to America and the world."

This allegation simply is not true, however much a monster Saddam may be.

Let's look at the issue Harpers style:

US population: 295 million
Iraq population: 24 million
US per capita annual income: $37,600
Iraq per capita annual income: 700
US nuclear warheads: 10,455
Iraq nuclear warheads: 0
US tons of lethal chemical weapons (1997): 31,496
Iraq tons of lethal chemical weapons (1997): 0
Number of foreign troops and civilians US military has killed since 1968: approx. 2 million
Number of foreign troops and civilians Iraqi military has killed since 1968: approx. 250,000

As far as links with terrorist go, the USA scores quite high. They sponsored Pinochet, Bin Laden and Israel, i.e. a military coup, a terrorist and a war of conquest. The USA also strongly supported Saddam in his war against Iran. Mmmh, tell me again: who are the bad guys?
While I can appreciate Cats opinion, likening US links to Isreal as sponsoring terrorists smacks of anti-semitism.
You're joking right? I am criticising a government's actions, a government doesn't have a race. Regardless of the ethniticity of the population, the Isreali government has waged war on its neighbours and has conquered land. This action has been condemned by the UN and has been partially paid for by the US. According to international law the Israelian state is illegally occupying land. Moreover, the state of Israel is using its full-blown modern military power to keep those territories under control. The inhabitants of these territories rebel against this illegal occupation with the means they have. This could be likened to the situation of the US in Iraq. Using a state's full military power, incuding Apache helicopters and 500-pound bombs, against an uprising populace with rifles and primitive explosives comes damn close to massacre and genocide. All this, regardless of the ethnicity of the perpetrators and the victims.

You cannot always scream "RACIST!" whenever someone criticises Israel or the US ties with Israel. Israel is being supported financially by the US. Isreal threw out the Palestinians from their land by bulldozing and blowing up their homes and then coming after them in their refugee camps. Tell me, what is anti-semitic about these facts? Flying into a populated town and shooting rockets at a car in a busy street or at an apartment in a block, killing not only your "objective" but also many innocent bystanders and maiming scores of them for life, tell me, would you say that this cannot be compared to terrorism?

Thank heavens the supreme court has granted the right of fair process to the captives at Guantanamo bay, because before that there wasn't one jota of a difference between that and the kidnappings in Iraq.
Hear Hear!

Well put Cat.

Arabs, by the way, are Semites. ;)

As an American, living in the Middle East, aware of the fact that Israel is the only true rechtstadt in the region, and completely commited to the existence of the state of Israel, I am appalled at the attitude of the present authority in charge there.

They sponsor pre-emptive killings of "suspected terrorists" - what happened to due process? They participate in the surreptitous occupation of unowned land both on an individual level (the settlements) and as a state (through the security fence). They engage in unilateral destruction of private property - again,without due process. - what happened to eminent domain?

It is in constant violation of UN resolutions (though due to US veto - not of the security council) and even in violation of it's own commitments to reduce settlement activity and retire from occupied lands (the famous land for peace concept)

The state of Israel flaunts the very values that justify it's existence. It is a cruel occupying power that has as it's goal the expulsion of all Palestinians from the West Bank and the establishment of territorial sovereignty from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River.
i love european attitude about the iraq. how they should have just been left alone to do whatever it was they wanted to do. military is bad, talk is good. this is the same attitude europe had between wwi and wwii with germany and hitler.

well, we all know how that turned out. most of europe got obliterated. they begged the US for help and ended up being saved from a life of death or servitude thanks to the actions of the US in a war it had no business being in.

europe is big on letting history repeat itself. it must be a recessive stupid gene or something. maybe they're just pussies. there is no way iraq could have been changed without war. whether for good or bad.

sure bush is a SOB. sure he had a political agenda but i dont know of a leader who isnt or doesnt.

despite how the war was carried out. cant anyone just agree that disposing of a crackpot like saddam was a good thing? he murder over 1 million of his people. the guy is hitler.

its pointless to disagree with the war at this point. its at the point of no return. its like swimming across the english channel then deciding to quit halfway. that could be very bad for the person swimming.

in anycase, instead of focusing on what CANT be UNDONE, focus on what this thread was created for. iraq is free of a tyrannical leader. freedom, schools, hospitals, these are all nice things. :)
i love european attitude about the iraq.
So do I.
how they should have just been left alone to do whatever it was they wanted to do.
No, that's not the european attitude: we sent in inspectors to control what they were doing and to prevent that they would do anything wrong.
military is bad, talk is good.
Yes indeed.
this is the same attitude europe had between wwi and wwii with germany and hitler.
No it is not. At that time ther was no "europe" which could decide collectively what to do and what not about a countries dictator. Moreover, Hitler in the beginning had the support of the majority of his subjects. Many other european countries had governements that were either very close to Hitler's nazism (like Italy and Mussolini's fascism) or didn't care (like the wannebe-neutral kingdom of the Netherlands). Anti-semitism was widespread and commonplace even before Hitler, not just in europe, but also in the US. Hitler negotiated treaties and alliances to prevent intervention in his internal affairs with many of the european countries fo the time. Since then much has changed. If there is a Europe that vaguely approaches unity, that is because we wanted to prevent a second Hitler. We can now act in a more unified and coordinated way. And we have learned things about dictators and oppression, things we now accuse others of doing, Saddam as well as Sharon as well as Bush. Saddam murdered a rebellious, separatist population. Sharon is mudering Palestinians, Bush is murdering Iraqi's. None come close to the number exterminated in WWII. Saddam didn't kill millions. In the gas attacks on kurdish villages, tens of thousands died, but the numbers don't really matter. What matters is the motive. You have no right to kill. None. There is only one single possible excuse (not a right) to kill, which is to prevent to be killed or that more be killed.

well, we all know how that turned out. most of europe got obliterated.
That is not true. The regime's of the Axis were Europe as well as the regimes that opposed them. The nazis and fascists, like it or not, represented much of what makes Europe europe. Cesaer conquered Europe and brought the Roman culture, Napoleon conquered Europe and brought the French culture, if Hitler had conquered Europe, maybe we would speak as highly of him as of Cesar and Napoleon. Charlemange passed thousend onthe sword to christianise Europe, would you call that "obliterating"?

they begged the US for help and ended up being saved from a life of death or servitude thanks to the actions of the US in a war it had no business being in.
No, we did not. Only after Pearl Harbor, when the USA were personally thretened by the Axis they did interevene. Moreover, the USA did not single-handedly win the war. Remember that Russia was approaching from the East and was winning her war unaided.

Remember not just the atrocities of the defeated, but also of the victors. the english bomber Dresden, a red-cross refugee city, holding women, children, elderly and wounded. It was bomber to the ground by the allies, with Napalm. Tens of thousends died a horrible death, while the war was already as good as won. Why? To impress the advancing Red Army.

europe is big on letting history repeat itself. it must be a recessive stupid gene or something. maybe they're just pussies.
Remember that all americans originally are europeans. So before insulting yourself, please try to learn from history. We want to avoid history repeating, that is why we are opposed to the war.

there is no way iraq could have been changed without war. whether for good or bad.
That is not true, you do not know it. The UN was taking action not only to contain Iraq and control it, but also to change it. It could have changed, like other regimes change. Think about Lybia, for instance. It would have been a much slower, but much less violent process. As Iraq was not a direct threat, this was still a worthy possibility.

sure bush is a SOB. sure he had a political agenda but i dont know of a leader who isnt or doesnt.
I don't accuse Bush of having an agenda, but I denounce the ruthless and inconsiderate way he is carrying it out.

despite how the war was carried out. cant anyone just agree that disposing of a crackpot like saddam was a good thing? he murder over 1 million of his people. the guy is hitler.
No, I do not agree. Military action that costs thousands of lives is never the best way. There was no reason and no right to intervene. Saddam was not a threat to the US and not the his neighbors anymore. He was a dictator and to depose him would have been a good thing, but waging war against him was the wrong way to tackle the problem. Hence the US did wrong.

its pointless to disagree with the war at this point. its at the point of no return. its like swimming across the english channel then deciding to quit halfway. that could be very bad for the person swimming.
I disagree. I have good reasons to still disagree with the war, case in point, I want to prevent history repeating. I think it is wrong for the US to decide at whim to invade a country it doesn't like. I think other ways should ahve been tried first, like diplomacy. I want to make sure that the USA stop acting in this way. While Iraq is still under occupation and Afghanistan still hasn't a democratically elected government I think it makes good sense to argue over the way the USA have conducted itself and to decide whther it has done good or bad and what should have been done instead. If the war is seen as a wrong decision, we con focus on removing the people who make the wrong decisions and to elect the ones that make the good ones. If you just say that there is no point in evaluating what your government does and whter it takes good or bad decisions, then I would almost come close to suggest that maybe you have no right to vote.

in anycase, instead of focusing on what CANT be UNDONE, focus on what this thread was created for. iraq is free of a tyrannical leader. freedom, schools, hospitals, these are all nice things.
I do not want to undo things, I want that wrongs are set right. I want to make sure the USA gets out of Iraq as soon as possible. That the prisoners get a fair trial and are not abused anymore. That contracts for rebuilding Iraq are not assigned by the US government to its big-corp friends, but are assigned by the Iraqi government and possibly help to employ Iraqi people. I want things to be done that the USA is not doing. I want the Iraqi's to be masters of their own fate, I want the UN not the US helping them. I want to be able, one day, to truly say "happy independence day, Iraq!" which will probably be the anniversary of the last US soldier leaving, and not the damn fourth of july.
kendall said:
freedom, schools, hospitals, these are all nice things. :)

Yes, for sure. That's why Iraqi people are still expecting these to come after the massacres of the war.

War should be the last solution. War should be well prepared when it cannot be avoided.

But these are only words.
Cat said:
I want the Iraqi's to be masters of their own fate, I want the UN not the US helping them. I want to be able, one day, to truly say "happy independence day, Iraq!" which will probably be the anniversary of the last US soldier leaving, and not the damn fourth of july.
Geez, Cat, you're too cynical. Why shouldn't the USA help them? Using the pessimist's argument, we caused it, so we should fix it, right?

Negative, negative, negative...
You cannot always scream "RACIST!" whenever someone criticises Israel or the US ties with Israel.
Who was screaming "racist"?I was pointing out the fact it could be taken that way, geesh :rolleyes:
Thank heavens the supreme court has granted the right of fair process to the captives at Guantanamo bay, because before that there wasn't one jota of a difference between that and the kidnappings in Iraq.[/QUOTE] I would say probably the biggest difference was more than likely the said prisoner had a gun pointing at a soldier.Not wearing a uniform of any particular country,the list could go on.Oh I doubt the Americans would BEHEAD them either.
MDLarson said:
Geez, Cat, you're too cynical. Why shouldn't the USA help them? Using the pessimist's argument, we caused it, so we should fix it, right?

Negative, negative, negative...

Actually, I'd say the fact that the Iraqis want the US to leave would be a pretty good indication that we shouldn't be sticking around... are you saying we should force ourselves upon them?
Darkshadow said:
Actually, I'd say the fact that the Iraqis want the US to leave would be a pretty good indication that we shouldn't be sticking around... are you saying we should force ourselves upon them?
No, I think if I were in their shoes, I'd be grateful to my liberators and still want them to leave, which we are in the process of doing. The two emotions are not mutually exclusive.
anti-semitic means racist, so - who shouted racist?, the one who brought up the thought. BTW Arabs are semites too.

I see nothing wrong with a rightful use of military power, but it is power and by it's own nature a genie that does not go back in the bottle well. While Afghanistan may have been necessary, the next blow was at least in part influenced by the fact that troops were already over there. Indeed, once you start killing people and breaking things, you wind up having to go all the way....

The world is a complicated place and although we may think that simply invading Iraq makes it better, it does not. Even today, Iraq - and Saddam Hussein - is a symptom, not a cause. We have to get to the causes of the problems and solve those that are solvable. Many of them are parked in our own garages. :D
From the perspective of international right, holding people captive without charges and a fair trial is equivalent to kidnapping. Several hostages in Iraq, captured by militias, have been gruesomely put to death. Many of these were soldiers or mercenaries of the occupying forces. Several hostages, captured by the US Army, have been gruesomely tortured and put to death. Many of these were innocent civilians who simply were in the wrong place at the wrong moment, like in their homes, where they lived, when the US Army arrived. Many women and children too.

If you want to fight terrorism, you have to learns a new meaning of fighting. A fighting that does not proceed with bullets and Apaches, but with medicine and education. Freedom cannot be imposed with war, but it can be taught. Write off third world debts, spend more on helping developing countries help themselves, invest in the future by bringing medicine and education instead of death. Provide food and water to poor starving nations. Then they will have something to be grateful for, instead of hating you. Al-quaeda is capable of bringing hope to people by giving them something to fight for, but what is that? A chimera. House them and feed them, then they truly will have something to fight for, by living for their future and families. People who have nothing, have nothing to lose and are easily swayed to vengeance. Give them a future to protect and they will have something to love instead of to hate. Build, don't tear down. instead of bringing in you military, bring doctors and teachers. Peace brings stability, stability brings growth and prosperity. War brings instability and america brought war. Is it strange to loathe them for that?

BOOM! :D ;)

But Cat, that sounds like optimism, not cynicism. You're out of character. ;)
Cat said:
Several hostages, captured by the US Army, have been gruesomely tortured and put to death.

what the hell are you talking about. this is a LIE. get your facts straight before you spread BS.

but when the US does step out of line with the handling of hostages, we take care of the situation and punish all american soldiers involved.

but we sure as hell aint cutting their heads off and mailing the video to cnn. that would be my definition of "gruesomely tortured."
Sorry Kendall, that is true, though not pervasive. Three soldiers were just arrested for beating some guy and tossing him in the river. They have been charged with murder.

That's the problem with using force to solve these kinds of things, it gets out of hand. No American wants to believe what happened in Abu Gharib, I don't. But when the genie is out of the bottle....
Well, many prisoners have been physically abused and some of those have died from their injuries. This is a fact with photographic evidence to back it up. There were women in Abu-ghraib and other prisons which appear to have been raped. There is still no conclusive evidence for many of these cases, as the US Army prevents the Red Cross and Amnesty International access to prisons. Children have been detained in horrible conditions under mental and physical duress, in Iraq and a Guantanamo bay, which I would definitely call torture. Also here the US Army has prevented Unicef access to these children.
Besides these cases of illegal detention or kidnapping, during the invasion the US Army has displayed much unnecessary violence towards civilians. Resulting in detentions and harsh interrogations of perfectly innocent people, even journalists, who have documented these facts.

The hostages of the militias are far fewer that the prisoners the USA made. In the end many have been released, some have been killed. The criminals who did this will be prosecuted and get at least life term jail when caught. How have the American Soldiers been punished? Is anyone yet actually in prison? The poor saps who executed the mental and physical tortures of course say "Befehl ist Befehl" and the commanders say "Wir haben es nicht gewusst" (now where did I hear that before ...). How many have been condemned yet? And what sentence did they get beside a note that says "naughty boy, go to your room" i.e. dishonourable discharge "You're fired for misconduct"?
I'd say they be all tried in front of the International Court in The Hague and I would hold the Commander in Chief personally responsible. Has your Minister of Attack already resigned over this? Perhaps he cannot be dishonourably discharged because he has no honour ...
Cat said:
Well, many prisoners have been physically abused and some of those have died from their injuries. This is a fact with photographic evidence to back it up. There were women in Abu-ghraib and other prisons which appear to have been raped. There is still no conclusive evidence for many of these cases, as the US Army prevents the Red Cross and Amnesty International access to prisons. Children have been detained in horrible conditions under mental and physical duress, in Iraq and a Guantanamo bay, which I would definitely call torture. Also here the US Army has prevented Unicef access to these children.
Besides these cases of illegal detention or kidnapping, during the invasion the US Army has displayed much unnecessary violence towards civilians. Resulting in detentions and harsh interrogations of perfectly innocent people, even journalists, who have documented these facts.

The hostages of the militias are far fewer that the prisoners the USA made. In the end many have been released, some have been killed. The criminals who did this will be prosecuted and get at least life term jail when caught. How have the American Soldiers been punished? Is anyone yet actually in prison? The poor saps who executed the mental and physical tortures of course say "Befehl ist Befehl" and the commanders say "Wir haben es nicht gewusst" (now where did I hear that before ...). How many have been condemned yet? And what sentence did they get beside a note that says "naughty boy, go to your room" i.e. dishonourable discharge "You're fired for misconduct"?
I'd say they be all tried in front of the International Court in The Hague and I would hold the Commander in Chief personally responsible. Has your Minister of Attack already resigned over this? Perhaps he cannot be dishonourably discharged because he has no honour ...

you paint an ugly picture which is mostly comprised of LIES and PROPAGANDA. as for US soldiers who break the geneva convention. when found guilty, as many in the past have been, they are imprisoned in leavenworth. of all the places to go to prison, this is by FAR one of the worst.

a dishonorable discharge is the same as a US felony conviction. you wave most of your rights as a US citizen. its definitely not a slap on the wrist.

if you look at the pictures of the prisoners at Abu-ghraib, they are all in good health. no cuts, brusies, missing toes or fingers. they were not beaten or abused physically. yes the mental abuse is wrong but its psy-ops. every military in the world, EVEN YOURS, practices it as a means to extract information. though its no excuse, id much rather endure that then having my legs broken in multiple places, multiple gun shot wounds, multiple stab wound, beaten, tortured, raped, and left to die (jessica lynch).

but please, feel free to spread your LIES and UGLY PROPAGANDA. as you said, "There is still no conclusive evidence for many of these cases," but please, go on anyhow. it only helps your weak argument against the war and prejudice against the US.
kendall said:
"There is still no conclusive evidence for many of these cases," but please, go on anyhow. it only helps your weak argument against the war and prejudice against the US.
was there any conclusive evidence for the us that iraq does have any nuclear bombs or other kind of mass destruction weapons? Still, they just went on anyhow..