Have to restart Mail to get new mail



For about a week, my Mail (4.4 1082) has been acting up. The following are the problems:

1. I can't get mail with the "Get Mail" button. I have to close and restart the program to see new mail.

2. The four or so oldest mails in my inbox keep getting marked as not read, so I have to open (or mark them as "read") regularly.

3. When the problems started, I temporarily "lost" all mail in my inbox for a day. They since reappeared. This is not a problem since they came back but it may be a clue to the source of the problem.

Would be delighted for some help.


Thanks for such a quick reply. IMAP.

I am connecting to a university network, occasionally from home, sometimes from on campus. And it is the university mail I am using. Don't know if that makes a difference.

Well with IMAP your Inbox does not exist on yourMac. The Inbox is on the email server. If you want to save said email you can drag it to a mailbox you created in "On My Mac". The only time you want to keep something in the Inbox (on IMAP) is so you can see that email on another machine. However if you create a saved box on the IMAP server you could et that email to every computer you have.

Now have you tried something like speedmail. Just run it when Mail.app is not running.

Let us know if this works.

Edit: aslo read the Apple document Mac OS X v10.6, Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email.
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Hi again,

I've tried rebuilding my mailbox but that didn't help.

I also tried the speedmail link. Didn't work. I followed the link to the troubleshooting page. Nothing there that helped unfortunately.

Now I'm trying something radical - I am deleting my account on Mail, rebooting the computer and installing the account again - per the advice of our IT help-desk.

I'll keep you posted on whether this helped (and whether all my emails were securely stored on the server...).
OK, just deleted my account, rebooted the computer, and started an entirely new account (albeit with the same email and settings etc). Didn't help.

Any suggestions? Any at all are helpful...
