Herve's Bar & Grill

AT least Norwegian schools have 100 Mbit internet access, so I don't think he'll be without 'net even though he can't access it at home :)

By the way, our ISP, Telenor (which sucks and has monopoly on copper lines in the whole country because they were owned by the state until serveral years ago) is going to start charging per megabyte downloaded/uploaded, in addition to charging for the speed. Their original idea was to charge for time connected, but after a petition against Telenor which thousands of angry Telenor customers signed, they cancelled that.
Time to change ISP...
I know Kjetil, that sucks! I have the same subscription and if they are going to charge per megabyte I'm going to be a poor man soon!:( (Because I download very much every day) What bothers me is that my current subscription is binding for a year:mad: Anyway I hope that the other adsl-companies don't do the same thing with the prices...
Originally posted by julguribye
I know Kjetil, that sucks! I have the same subscription and if they are going to charge per megabyte I'm going to be a poor man soon!:( (Because I download very much every day) What bothers me is that my current subscription is binding for a year:mad: Anyway I hope that the other adsl-companies don't do the same thing with the prices...

NextGenTel says they will stick with their current pricing scheme, so, NextGenTel next ;)
They have better speeds, too, cheaper.
Hello to all...after some hectic days (mostly wasting time in meetings) where I had to work pretty hard (not to mention I had to rearrange my whole workplace to find place for some new computers) I am back!!!!

*waits for applause
I SAID I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!

*still waits


*gets angry

Oh screw you all....I'm going back to the Episode 2 thread to tell some more Star Wars plots....

Most of you have probably read this already, but I figure I'll just re-post it here so more people can here about my strangeness. All of this is true:

Okay, last night I had the strangest dream I have ever had, and I've had some pretty weird ones. Here is it:

I was building a nuclear weapon. It was rather small in size, and a 'military' green color encasing. The odd thing was that it was surprisingly simple for a nuclear weapon (I know quite a bit about nuclear physics and weapons for my age, seriously). Everything was so clear, I could see how it all worked and went together, piece by piece. After I had constructed it, we left it in a field and drove a few miles away to test it. I was with a girl (who I know, but I can't recall the face from my dream  ), that is in my grade and I am good friends with. Well, we went through the test sequence, and nothing happened, the weapon failed to go off. We drove back to it to check it out and see what was wrong. Almost immediately I noticed a wire that hadn't gotten connected to a VERY important part. I connected the wire, and the weapon went off. I saw the huge fire ball before me, and remember being amazed that there was no sound from the explosion!! The fire ball was huge, green, and appeared to be divided into three parts. It knocked the girl I was with and myself flat, but didn't kill us. The Weapon killed everyone in the nearby town (it was the city I live in), but myself and this girl, who should have been the first to be killed. I remember NOT being amazed at the fact that I was alive, but that the green grass was not chared or killed. I spent the rest of the dream trying to figure out why this girl and myself didn't have radiation poisoning, which we should have at least died from.

You may have noticed that green comes into this dream a bit, there are many more details which I cannot remember. Anyone know how to interpret dreams?? I'd would be forever thankful if someone could provide some type of insight into the meaning of this dream (I usally don't believe in that stuff, but this dream was so REAL and vivid and odd!!)
Kjetil, NextGenTel won't speed you up...
Look at that test at ITavisen and you'll find NextGenTel at the very bottom of the list. I just need telenor to enable ADSL here and I'll be fine, THEN I can get another ISP. Apparently Telenor are sitting on some keys to a house where upgrades MUST be made.

And yes, I can get here from school, only problem is that our school is having teachers with panic-attacks allsaying "What should I rate by?"...try convincing a teacher to let you browse tthe net while taking a test...
Originally posted by ulrik
Oh screw you all....I'm going back to the Episode 2 thread to tell some more Star Wars plots....
We just got our "special" tickets for a sreening first thing Saturday morning.:D :D :D :D

(I'm not an insider myself, but happen to know one...)
Originally posted by googolplex
Whoa, that sucks voice. I couldn't live without net access now :).

/me thinks of the time when Excite@Home went down and AT&T was switching all of us over to their network. (shudder)

No internet for a week. :(
I heard that JarJar was the main character in this one, 'poptart. ;)

Explosions I think are guaranteed, maybe some blood, I doubt that there will be any sex. Which is probably a good thing -- I don't think JarJar is that sexy. :p

I guess I'll have to wait for the regular release since I am one of the unwashed heathen who doesn't have any friends in the biz....
Originally posted by voice-
Kjetil, NextGenTel won't speed you up...
Look at that test at ITavisen and you'll find NextGenTel at the very bottom of the list. I just need telenor to enable ADSL here and I'll be fine, THEN I can get another ISP. Apparently Telenor are sitting on some keys to a house where upgrades MUST be made.

NextGenTel lies on 10th, 11th and 12th on value for money, under the small, local ISPs and fibre optic providers, of course. You only looked at NextGenTels 8 mbit line, which of course can't provide 8 mbit.
My current Telenor line lies on 33rd place on the list, so I'm heading for either Catch or NextGenTel.

But, voice-, check out this! http://www.bws.no/index.php?hoveddel=nyhet&nyhet=7
Originally posted by satanicpoptart
i hope to god that its not a jar-jar dumb movie like that last one. i want to see some blood explosions and sex in this thing

I don't think we'll be seeing much sex, lotsa explosions though :)
They've still gotta have the little kids get in, right? :)
ksuther said:
I don't think we'll be seeing much sex, lotsa explosions though :)
They've still gotta have the little kids get in, right? :)
Yeah, Dog knows that violence is just fine for little kids, but a little nudity? Whoa nelly, slap an R on that one, maybe an NC-17...

Does anyone else notice how the American public is ashamed of the human body? I mean, if there is someone in a movie standing in a room naked, discussing politics, it would get an R rating.

Don't you hate it when you get to work, and then you get a craving for some sort of food? I've been at work for a half hour or so now, and suddenly all I can think about is French Toast....

And lunch is hours away.

Originally posted by nkuvu
Uh, why does the school show films at 1:45 am??

there's a school movie channel, which plays recently released films, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's pretty cool, well, when they're playing a decent film. And when they play porn of course.