Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
paper and pencil? - now that's old school :p

Yeah, well - I can't lug my Tower and 17" CRT Monitor into a bar! :p

Wanna see some other paper and pencil things I've done? (drawings, but I'm shy so I might not! lol) :D
you know i'm always open to sharing. :)

i guess you didn't see the whole wall of lcd imacs and towers sitting over in the corner. and if you ask nicely, mysti will probably let you use a ti book from under the bar. (big problem with people taking them :p )
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
you know i'm always open to sharing. :)
I think they're online somewhere, gotta look...

i guess you didn't see the whole wall of lcd imacs and towers sitting over in the corner.

*Drops jaw and gasps*
Uh, no I didn't see that! Heh silly me! :)

and if you ask nicely, mysti will probably let you use a ti book from under the bar. (big problem with people taking them :p )

*Looks at Mysti and smiles hugely*
Can I? :D
Originally posted by hazmat
Honestly I think graphical smilies are dumb. What's wrong with ASCII?

The graphical smilies they put in AIM drive me CRAZY!!! I hate those things. First thing I do is turn them off, but if the other person is using them, I still get the damn things.

Lets go back to the good old days!! :P~~
Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~
** taps bar, please sir i really am 18, can i have half'a' Shandy?!

Um, 18 doesn't cut it in the US and do I look like a SIR, sir?

How about a virgin Eggnog?? :D

Ho Ho Ho.
Originally posted by Tormente

*Looks at Mysti and smiles hugely*
Can I? :D


*hands Tormente his long over-due mocha* Santa says you've been pretty well-behaved this year *cough* (eXcuse me), so I suppose...but don't forget the Glock I carry to put holes in the jukebox and in tiBook theives :D
then i'll ask again, why would he only want a half of one? :D

(maybe that's all it takes to slosh him - he's pretty thin after all :p )
Ok, I posted my drawings online, - but am keeping them semi-private (yeah, I'm over protective).
If you want to see them, PM me. :)
Heh....it's an Ale, I think...please correct me if I'm wrong, he-whomever-knows-more...rather bitter tasting?

You can get it in a pint or a half pint...but I guess I ran him off when I came back from the storage room and he saw I wasn't a sir. :shrug:

(PS and admitedly, I could be talking out the back of my head and be completely wrong)
Oh, cmon now Tormente.....I was nice to you...PM me the URL for letting you use the tibook. :P

Are these drawings, PG-13 rated, I mean, I don't want to be SHOCKED or anything. :D
Nice, Tormente ...you have a very good eye for human form. I like the boxer the best ...when I went to modeling school we had to take some fashion art classes (don't ask why..it was the whole merchandising, selling the product thing) and I would draw my models without faces like you have.

I had no problem drawing the body, but I couldn't get the face right. You did a good job with the face you DID, however. :)

Well done! Thanks for sharing!