Thanks for the compliments, Ed. You're such a good man. But they're undeserved. I snatched stickpeople from the net just for the joke. But it does give a true comparison as to my drawing skills. Niet!
I can really appreciate the drawing skills shown by yourself, Tormente and mysti. It's a gift. And I certainly don;t have it.
I know you'll get a kick out of this, Ed.
Ken and I had some real beers together last night. I was great to get out and meet someone from the online world in the real world. We gabbed for hours, it was awesome!
*Listening to Bob Mould*
I can really appreciate the drawing skills shown by yourself, Tormente and mysti. It's a gift. And I certainly don;t have it.
I know you'll get a kick out of this, Ed.
Ken and I had some real beers together last night. I was great to get out and meet someone from the online world in the real world. We gabbed for hours, it was awesome!
*Listening to Bob Mould*