Herve's Bar & Grill

arkayn how much beer do you have daily? :)

I wanted to go out Friday for one beer .. but I crashed in bed before I got out of home. That's for spending too much time working .. crash, get up in the morning, work .. get to sleep, work .. today was different (but I ended up spending most of the time with work related people) .. oh well, time for another .. week.
depends .. if you drink too much virtual beer, you might want to join the virtual AA .. or find other virtual activities.. ;)
Nah.. can't have virtual beer at working hours. Or maybe one ..
Anyway. This is absolutely the most stupid thing I have seen this week: Hacker Terrorists. Terrorists, terrorists.. now they are scaring the poor AOL users that they can't be safe even at home .. today is supposed to be some BIIIG terrorist hacker attack. Heh. Can't wait to see.

Have a beer while waiting? Thre's some german beer called Hacker-something..
I can't believe it. I got my new computer yesterday, and I actually left the house to go out with friends last night. Weird...

Had some real beers, Red Stripe. I usually don't drink beer, there are very few that I enjoy. The rest taste like bad water. (Don't even try to get me to drink those pale light beers, blleah!!! :P Red Stripe is probably the lightest beer I'll drink!) Give me Newcastle! Give me Guinness! Give me sake!
I even told them: I must like you people, cause no self respecting computer nerd would go out after they got a new toy!
we could always switch to liquor...
Martini's anyone?
I am heading into work now :mad: , I would much rather make drinks here!
There isnt as much to clean up in this bar as there is in my bar.