Herve's Bar & Grill

Considering the time (15.00) I'd rather have some tea, better still, I'm actually having some tea IRL!

My iPod seems to have arrived at Arnhem already, hoping to get it home early next week! :)
Excellent, just took my last final for this quarter (at 730 AM!) so I'm on break for a week before classes start up again :)
Hi Qion :D

Blah .. not in the mood to celebrate St Patrick's day today .. one funny thing is that it seems to be far more celebrated in US than in Ireland. Well, apart from all shops and everything but pubs being closed.. they don't even dye the rivers green in Ireland (:
The color green makes my eyes burn. (not really, I'm just not in the St. Patricks day mood either) Yeah, your right in saying that US celebrates it more than Ireland; I think that is because it's a Catholic-based holiday and not really a nation independant one.
::ha:: Hey – I just tried something new… something I have never done before: I checked out the very first page of this thread and kinda answered my own question. I now know who Herve is (…ish), or was at least, cos I've never encountered him.

edX said:
wheeeeeeing is allowed but not encouraged

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :p

Herve is old skool macosx.com before it was really mainstream. Don't know if he is still around, he disappeared shortly after I signed up. St. Patty's day is my grandma's birthday :)

The only reason most american's celebrate it is for an excuse to get drunk :-/