Herve's Bar & Grill

ora said:
The swiss coffee is passable even if they do seem to lack real milk.
I'm surprised! What do the Swiss do for milk then? I thought it was a fairly common substance, what with dairy cattle being ceremoniously presented to famous Swiss tennis personages.
Ha! Yes, its all sued for cheese and chocolate. Seriously, after the UK its just bizarre. No corner shop type place sells fresh milk, just dreadful UHT, fresh milk only in supermarkets and not much there either. An Aussie just showed up and was shocked at lack of fresh milk. As he said, back home it has a whole aisle at the supermarket. Here it has less than a square meter even in the huge places.

Here if you ask for Cafe you'll get something a bit longer than an espresso but with a little pot of that weird cream stuff on the side. I have to buy milk at weekends, and its warm so goes off quite quickly. I need it for that Sunday morning cappuccino made with my blessed Gaggia machine. :D
True, though in my hazy memory the other half of the charm was the rum coffee combo (don't recall the name of it) i drank a lot of on one holiday ;).
Hey, not bad for a Rhodesian Belgian rosbif.

The classic is: "toity toid and toid".... 33rd Street and 3rd. Avenue. Cops use to call perpetrators "poipatrators." Some still do. Skol.
Ah, milk.
We have tons of organic milk available here in the states. I feel really bad for Europeans about it. I wonder if it's the crazy health regulations or just the import cost that makes it tough to get milk over there?
BTW, Rumor has it that it's also tough to buy high grade vitamins. Is that true?
There's loads of the stuff here in the UK. I'm surprised that the Swiss don't have better milk supplies than they do, but the Spanish situation is understandable – hot climate and, until fairly recently, not a great deal of refrigeration in the home.
Indeed, good milk in the USA and the UK. France too by the way. And yes, I think it is a question of storage..... and custom too. The "brik" stuff is for the birds, but good for storage and in an emergency.
I have a glass of half milk every morning. Remember those great snacks we had as kids...chocolate cake or cookies and a cold glass of milk. Yum.
hazmat said:
Wow, this thread is still alive! How's everyone doing?

Got Mac.....I mean Milk?

"Registry? oh, you mean Registry of Motor Vehicles Right?"
(Quote from an actual customer. Scary aint it?)
Wow. A month and no one has been in the cafe??

I'm suffering severe Sunday boredom ... boring, rainy out, not fun to go outside, and been lazily browsing all day inside. One of those days when I just miss the sunnier climates... and can't wait to get somewhere else. And too tired to read, or to clean the room ...
Wow. A month and no one has been in the cafe??

I'm suffering severe Sunday boredom ... boring, rainy out, not fun to go outside, and been lazily browsing all day inside. One of those days when I just miss the sunnier climates... and can't wait to get somewhere else. And too tired to read, or to clean the room ...

Ah, then read about my run from yesterday. I just got a GPS device for running and did my first with it yesterday. Pretty cool stuff.

Oh cool :D Was sort of looking for a site for that type and use for a while for testing with a gps thing here...
One of my coder mates is developing some software to allow him to tie GPS logs from his paragliding flights to maps, which sounds loads of fun. As does the paragliding, especially as he has a tandem harness and offered to take me up soon.

Back in coffee world, the new machien I bought for our office at work is this beast. Welcome to a whole new world of caffeine addiction.
We have one of those at work. I actually don't like the espresso it produces... :/ For me it's still the local café or Nespresso® at home. What was that problem with fresh milk in Switzerland? I don't get it. You get fresh milk both at Migros and Coop, you'll find fresh milk at the actual milk stores... I'm pretty sure it's the same in the western part of Switzerland as it's here in Swiss-NorthEast...
Wow, things certainly have changed around here since I last stuck my head in. Like fryke absolutely smoking Arden's post record.
I doubt that many people remember me anymore though, it has been a very long time.
And this poor thread isn't what it used to be either. I should never have trusted you guys to keep it alive ;-)