BB - did you stay up past your bedtime just to have the 1000th post?
also thanks for the humility and for that wonderful toast to Herve's for success in making it this far. oh wait, you didn't post a toast did you?
so i guess i will grab a rootbeer while ksv has it out for RacerX and propose a toast to Herve's Bar & Grill and all the wonderful people who frequent it. You are a pleasure to converse with and even more fun when you get drunk!!

and here's to the next 1000 posts while we're at it!!
Tismey, would you please pour everybody doubles next round and make em all top shelf. Just don't let tolya get so drunk he leaves that same cd repeating over and over again like the last time we had free drinks.
So Macko, what's happening bud? you ready for some fantasy baseball? We just need one more person to join and then the league is set. So do you ever get out and see any of the exhibition season down there in the desert? or go to training camps or anything?
not sure how i feel about renaming the whole forum to Herve's Bar & Grill but you could ask Herve about it I guess. I always operate under the assumption that if herve doesn't say no, then the answer is yes. Personally i think you've had too much time on your hands lately with all these thoughts about how to reorganize the site. I guess as long as this thread doesn't disappear, then the site can be organized or disorganized any old way. i will eventually figure it out again.