Rinse, I don't think any of us know what you're refering too!!

P.S. Valrus, I used 'you're' this time!

P.S. Valrus, I used 'you're' this time!

Originally posted by googolplex
Rinse, I don't think any of us know what you're refering too!!![]()
P.S. Valrus, I used 'you're' this time!![]()
Originally posted by TommyWillB
It is kind of funny how this thread morphed from being about Significant Others to being about which programming language best describes you...
Yeah but the side effect are:Originally posted by nkuvu
Osmosis. Absorbing Perls of wisdom, that sort of thing...
Some huge advantages:
- Perl is free
- There are no side effects (other than seeing every problem as a problem you can solve with the right script)
- There are no after effects (like hangovers)
- It's perfectly legal
- It's socially acceptable
- You can probably write Perl at your workplace