Herve's Smoking Lounge

Originally posted by googolplex
Rinse, I don't think any of us know what you're refering too!! :D :p

Not at all! Especially not us students at small liberal arts colleges! :p Actually I only found out what that meant yesterday, so go figure.

P.S. Valrus, I used 'you're' this time! :)

Oh man, gplex, I hate to do this, but by bringing up the grammar thing you're just asking for it. That "too" should only have one "o." :eek:

Hey! Ack! Again with the rocks!

-the valrus
gplex - I don't think so. I think you're just not supposed to bitch about it. ;)

-the valrus
Well, I guess I'll take my poor humor elsewhere. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Anyone like to join me in the non-smoking, milk drinker's lounge, I'll be there. :D
It is kind of funny how this thread morphed from being about Significant Others to being about which programming language best describes you...
Originally posted by TommyWillB
It is kind of funny how this thread morphed from being about Significant Others to being about which programming language best describes you...

say what?
Methinks y'all better take them spaces out of "methinks."

Oh man, I'm sorry about the grammar thing. Do you mind? I try to keep it low-key, as opposed to "Look, I know more than you," because I know I don't. :D

This lounge done got practically took over by the non-smokin' types.

Intentional bad grammar is fun though.

Shutting up now.

-the valrus
Ha! I had no space in methinks.

And I don' smoke neither, so I dunno why I is typing this here post in the lounge of smoke-i-tude...
nkuvu nailed it...

I had multipled threads opened in multiple windows and submitted this to the wrong one.

...but that was days ago and I can't really remember where that was supposed to go.

Oh well. Nonsequitors are good evey now and then... right?
I think you're trying to say this in the "Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/pet monkey?" thread... ;)
I'm not against all smoking in theory, I just don't like tobacco smoking. No lectures, it's just not my thing. Then again, cannabis is not my thing, either. I prefer to get my highs from Perl... :D
Osmosis. Absorbing Perls of wisdom, that sort of thing...

Some huge advantages:
- Perl is free
- There are no side effects (other than seeing every problem as a problem you can solve with the right script)
- There are no after effects (like hangovers)
- It's perfectly legal
- It's socially acceptable
- You can probably write Perl at your workplace

Originally posted by nkuvu
Osmosis. Absorbing Perls of wisdom, that sort of thing...

Some huge advantages:
- Perl is free
- There are no side effects (other than seeing every problem as a problem you can solve with the right script)
- There are no after effects (like hangovers)
- It's perfectly legal
- It's socially acceptable
- You can probably write Perl at your workplace

Yeah but the side effect are:
- You'll begin to think you needn't pay for anyting
- You'll try to solve your relationship with a script, and he still walks out on your even if that is not in the script (That might be a drama queen joke?)
- There are no hangovers because the high is life-long and you can never get down
- DeCSS in Perl is not legal
- It is socially acceptable only to a very small closed nit group of computer geeks... usually of the male sex (...hmmm... maybe that is not a side affect... ;))
- You probably can spend your entire work carrer with just Perl and never do anything else

- u lrn to comunic8 n vry shrt wrds
- Your parse life only one "line" at a time never knowing what happens in the future or if this line is a repeat from the past
- You become a vi pusher
- You don't understand when a loved one request pearls