Herve's Smoking Lounge


Tired of being asked to smoke outside Herve's? Well now you don't have to any more.

I introduce to you Herve's Smoking Lounge.

This place has room for all of you. Hooka's are over there by the low tables and pillows. Pipes are back in the corner. (Sorry, for safetly reasons we do not allow glass pipes.) Bongs and misc. H2O devices are upstairs on the balcony.

...and you can smoke cigaretts anywhere you want!!!

And for your non-smoking companions, please note our state of the art active-crystal super-duper catilitic converter 400 cft/minute 'clean air" HVAC system. It does it's job quietly and without the hair blowing air blasts of other systems.









I'm gonna be the first non-smoking gum-chewing most hated person to tell everybody in here to stop smoking, it's bad for your health, bad for your economy and disgusting.
Originally posted by voice-
I'm gonna be the first non-smoking gum-chewing most hated person to tell everybody in here to stop smoking, it's bad for your health, bad for your economy and disgusting.

I second that! ;)
I third that.

And gum's bad for your teeth.

And that HVAC just isn't cutting it. Still smells like ass in here. :D

And you should use .png instead of .gif.

...Why are you all looking at me like that and casually tossing rocks from one hand to the other?

Perhaps I'd better go.

-the valrus
What's the matter with your hair and clothes reeking with smoke? Man, that's the only reason I go out to bars, just so I can look and smell "cool", like I'm hangin' with the "in" crowd. I gotta smell like I'm livin', ya know?
ok, i love each and every one of you but this is a smoking lounge. if you don't like smoke, don't show your face in it. We don't need lectures and we don't need a chorus of people to point out everything about smoking. We have heard it a googolplex of times already.

now if you want to talk to people about anything else in here and put up with the smoke in the process, that's fine. I don't go into your church and tell you all the things that are wrong with your God. I don't sit down to your dinner table and tell you what is wrong with your food. I don't spy on your dates and tell you what a lousy couple you make. so lay off the well intended attitude.

sorry, but people who bitch about smoke in places designated for smoking are a bitg pet peeve of mine. that being said, i don't advocate that anyone start smoking. but for those of us who do, no amount of other people's whining is ever going to change us. We will quit when we, as individuals, are ready to do it for ourselves.:)

so Tom, do you smoke?
I do...and loving it. There's nothing better in the morning than a good cup of coffee and a smoke.

Fortunately I don't live in the US, cause as I hear it, smoking has become a real challenge? I'm all for us not bothering ppl who don't smoke. But I think that you have to be realistic and not go as crazy as in the US.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
ok, i love each and every one of you but this is a smoking lounge. if you don't like smoke, don't show your face in it. We don't need lectures and we don't need a chorus of people to point out everything about smoking. We have heard it a googolplex of times already.

now if you want to talk to people about anything else in here and put up with the smoke in the process, that's fine. I don't go into your church and tell you all the things that are wrong with your God. I don't sit down to your dinner table and tell you what is wrong with your food. I don't spy on your dates and tell you what a lousy couple you make. so lay off the well intended attitude.

sorry, but people who bitch about smoke in places designated for smoking are a bitg pet peeve of mine. that being said, i don't advocate that anyone start smoking. but for those of us who do, no amount of other people's whining is ever going to change us. We will quit when we, as individuals, are ready to do it for ourselves.:)

so Tom, do you smoke?

*** simX goes over and sticks his finger in Ed's glass of water.

"You pollute my air, I pollute your water."

'nuf said. :p
Ed, a googolplex is a lot of times. I can imagine that you must have heard it that much though with everything that people say now. :)

smoke away!
*Klink sits quietly puffin' his Camel, sippin' his espresso and gives a Mona Lisa smile.*

*Waits for the lynch mob to settle down.*
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
...so Tom, do you smoke?

uh..... well....

Actually, no... I lived off of coffee and cigaretts through much of college, but that was several lifetimes ago... I quit more than a decade ago...

I like Herve's B&G, but here in California they outlawed smoking in Bars and I've become quite accostomed to it.

So the fact is, I can't come to Herve's as much as I'd like because it is too smokey. So I was really just trying to intice the smokers to gather together in the loung... over there -->
Ed scolded me like a naughty child. :(

I will go post away my shame elsewhere.

-the valrus