How do I make my own online Radio Station?


I am wanting to setup a private online radio station. I want to stream my iTunes music (basically just MP3 files) as well as actually use the microphone to DJ and broadcast live.

I have seen a few apps around but which are the best and which will allow me to actually broadcast live sound? There must be a way to do it, can't be too different to streaming webcams except sound instead of video.

Thanks :)
Ok Ive been trying like no other to get a radio station like above working and Im obviously having a port problem. I have an airport extreme base station and I went into System Pref. > Sharing and applied port 8010 (for radio in sushi mp3) and checked it. It still doesnt work. About a month ago I struggled with Shoutcast for 2 hours. Can someone help me with the port/broadcasting problem?? Thanks
First of all, if you're using an AirPort Station or router, you'll need to "forward" the ports that the service uses to the computer that's attempting to stream on those ports. So, for example, if your streaming computer uses the IP address (oh yeah, you'll need static IPs as well, or IPs that don't change very often), then you'll need to access your router or AirPort and tell it to forward port 8010 (or whatever port) to IP address, and do it for all incoming 8010 requests. Then, connect on the WAN IP (the IP of the router to the internet, not the computer).

You need to do this in your router, and make sure that you're not blocking that port on the streaming machine with the firewall, too. After that, if done correctly, everything should work.
Hmm... Makes me wonder about a wholly different subject. We all know that if I share my MP3 collection through software-that-shouldn't-be-named, I'm doing the illegal task of spreading copyrighted works. We also know that people can, through other illegal means, save streams to MP3 files again. Now, if I'm 'sharing' my MP3 collection through streams, is it _really_ that different from just sharing the files?

The answer right now is that one thing is illegal, the other is not. But common sense tells me that either both should be legal or both shouldn't be.

I have installed Quicktime Broadcaster and Darwin Streaming Server. I feel like I am progressing but I don't have a clue how to do this....

Darwin Streaming Server seems to be the thing which will handle the MP3 files (oh and fryke, it's music I have written and recorded which I am streaming ;)) but integrating that with my microphone broadcast is just complicated....can I even do it?

I have managed to get a voice only broadcast but how can I get my MP3's to run through it and play when I want them to? If anyone knows of any good tutorials then let me know. I will certainly be writing one once I find out how to exactly do this!
Instead of live-broadcasting your mic-input, you could also prepare MP3s of those and just add them to a list of to-be-broadcasted MP3s... That could solve your problem of mixing live and MP3 stuff. (Although I think right now, you have the problem solved the other way round?) - And: My question was not directed at your actual problem, it was rather an open question about the whole thing. ;-)
If you stream other people's music online via an online radio station you may be and most likely are liable to pay royalty fees to the artist. However, if you are streaming your own music, obviously that is all good ;-)
Diablo, your method is exactly what I tried and it still wont work!!! I dont get it! Its really frustrating. What could be causing this??
Decided to dump Quicktime Broadcaster and Darwin Streaming Server.
Nicecast does the job nicely :)

Thanks for your help.

Oh, anyone know how to uninstall Darwin Streaming Server?