How do I sync my phone and computer?


play thing
I've got a Sony Ericsson k750i phone that I used to sync with my laptop running Panther. I've now got a G5 running Tiger and I'm trying to achieve the same thing using Sync (built into system pref's) but can't work out how to authorise my phone.

Any ideas??
Yes, I'm using bluetooth, as I have previously. The thing that I don't understand is the difference between iSync (as it existed in 10.3... as a stand alone app), and Sync (as it is in Tiger, built into the sytem pref's).

When I open iSync, I get a message saying that I should use the the system pref's version, but I don't appear to have the ability to add my phone.

I've tried deleting it and re-dding it to iSync (the old version), but I get a message saying that I can't add the phone.
wicky said:
Yes, I'm using bluetooth, as I have previously. The thing that I don't understand is the difference between iSync (as it existed in 10.3... as a stand alone app), and Sync (as it is in Tiger, built into the sytem pref's).

When I open iSync, I get a message saying that I should use the the system pref's version, but I don't appear to have the ability to add my phone.

I've tried deleting it and re-dding it to iSync (the old version), but I get a message saying that I can't add the phone.

i'm not sure what you mean, iSync is still the method in Tiger, that hasn';t changed. Sync in the prefences is only for .mac.

Try using iSync, which should be in your applications folder.
Ok, so that's established & clarified the first part of the problem, that there is Sync & iSync and both are applicable and mutually independent. Thanks for shedding light on that. Am I the only one that finds that a little weird/confusing? Not helped by the fact that in my iDisk software folder it is entitled iSync(1.5) for 10.3.

The second part of the problem as mentioned above... I've tried deleting it and re-adding it (the phone) to iSync, but I get a message saying that I can't add the phone. I guess this will take a little more detective work on my part, but at least no I know where to concentrate my efforts.

Thanks Mr Burns
It's totally confusing and absurd. I think they want to promote .Mac wherever they can. It's ugly... :/

However: If you remove *ANY* trace of your phone from the Mac (i.e. Bluetooth pref pane), you just have to pair them again (using the Bluetooth pref pane again) and choose synching via iSync at that point. Afterwards open iSync (if it doesn't automatically) and synch. It should work just fine.
The second part of the problem as mentioned above... I've tried deleting it and re-adding it (the phone) to iSync, but I get a message saying that I can't add the phone. I guess this will take a little more detective work on my part, but at least no I know where to concentrate my efforts.

Thanks Mr Burns

You probably need to pair the cellphone using Bluetooth preferences. I'm not in front of my Mac now, so I have to do this from memory, but IIRC you go to Bluetooth preferences, and click on a tab that says "add device" or something similar. I think this is the step you're leaving out.

Good luck!