How much faster can 10.3 be??

Originally posted by fryke
However, the performance of OS X has been improved with every .x release since the Public Beta in 2000, so the assumption that Apple will further increase the performance is a 'historic assumption'. (Forget about 6-9 for OS X.)

Yes, I realize that, but to think increased performance will continue forever until X runs like a dream on my Rev.B iMac isn't very realistic. I think (an assumption of course) that 10.2 was it - from here on out it gets slower and you'll need newer hardware (1st generation g3's dropping off). Historical assumptions aren't worth a whole lot when we only have 2 years of history.

Why do I think this? Well, it's inevitable, but mostly because of Quartz Extreme. Apple finally drew a line in the sand, and gave us an OS feature that you can only use with a minimum hardware spec.

Originally posted by fryke
My guess is that we'll see a completely new Finder by 10.5, but that this project is just taking time - and Apple has other, maybe more important, projects people can work on.

Well, I hardly think this is true. What is more important than addressing the number one complaint about the OS, namely 'Finder' responsiveness? I can't think of anything. As for 10.5, now you're just making stuff up.
In my (limited) understanding, the new GNU C compiler available now should yield faster apps. Also, I'd be willing to bet that Apple will find MYRIAD optimizations with a project this size. They have a big incentive to do so.

I also think performance really often translates to perception. A really fast computer with a dog slow interface will feel slow. A slower machine with a fast hard drive and graphics card will, at least superficially, feel faster than one might expect.

(My opinions and 2c will get you . . . 2c).

i think X would feel faster if they would use outlines for minimization and dragging/resizing. that's really the only thing that seems slow. they probably decided to do it this way to encourage purchase of faster computers.
Originally posted by AppleWatcher
LOL so we don't have any supersecretworkinginthemacosxdevelopmentteam-people here?? :p

Sure, but it's all confidential. How much cash do you have? :D :p
Apple Watcher....simply put, I don't think 10.3 will be as fast as 9.2.2. but like the others said before hardware upgrades software tweaks or more powerful macs could make 10.3 faster but probably not as fast as 9.2.2

hell I abandoned OS 9 already, OS X and UNIX just rocks!
All this just goes to show you that everyone's experience with OS X is different. I'm running it on a G4 450 and an iMac G3 600, and it runs faster and better that ANY version of OS 9 ever did on the same machines.

I don't miss 9 one blessed bit. The only thing I think I'm out on right now is Quartz Extreme, but that's because I'm too cheap to upgrade my vid card.
Originally posted by AppleWatcher
Gheghe thx for the tips; but I already knew them. No, I'm not abandoning OS X because it works so slow on my iMac... I won't abandon it, but I'll need a PC for my study... And it will be much faster than my iMac DV SE with 400 MHz...

I can't buy another Mac, simply because a Mac isn't the right computer for my study... And because I don't want to abandon OS X, my question is: is 10.3 going to be faster (like 9.2.2, for example)??

I'm not too clear on what you mean by Informatics, but if you're going to be programming then OSX is great for coding. Project Builder lets you compile C, C++, Objective C, Java, AppleScript and you can also plug Ada into it.
10.3 will be somewhat faster than Jaguar, but don't expect it to work miracles. The basic architecture of OS X demands a good graphics card and serious CPU power for all of it's window compositing. Bouncing animations and genie effects aside, just to move a window in OS X requires a ton of CPU power, due to the alpha channel that allows the OS to use transparency system wide.

Any Mac with a 32MB of VRAM with an AGP bus should operate decently with Jaguar or higher. You iMac DV is out of luck.

But you could sell the iMac DV and get something more current like a used 800mhz iBook or iMac for not much money.

If you need a PC, but it. You should use the proper tool for the job. If what you are studying requires you to use PC software, then you should use a PC.

But you will begin to long for the niceness of you Mac in short order...
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
If what you are studying requires you to use PC software, then you should use a PC.
But you will begin to long for the niceness of you Mac in short order...

And that is the case, I'm afraid... I think I'll wait for 10.4 and then buy a very fast PowerMac. ;)
Originally posted by AppleWatcher
indeed, I do now remember: I'm going to study Computational Sciences :D problem to buy a new Mac even the low end eMac...

Most of the things you gonna need for your studies are already available for Macs and if 2-3 of them aren't available you can still run them under VPC6 or even better(!?) under RealPC which if what the company says it will even allow you run the newest 3d graphic intense apps and games!!!

If you REALLY want so, you can sell you current Mac and with an additional 1000 euros at the most to buy a new hottie eMac :p :D ;) :cool: :)
buy a 400 mhz pc and run xp on it and then run a 400 mhz imac with 10.2.6 on it. Of course if you buy a new pc it's going to be faster just as if you were to buy a new mac.
To be blunt: does it even matter?

We can only speculate, just like we did with the Puma -> Jaguar upgrade, frivolously. We will all see when either development builds are leaked, or the final build is released. I only just got Jaguar a month ago, which was a nice long time after it was released. I wanted to see from friends and colleagues (and board members here) if it was worth my money, and it was. When Panther comes out, people will post their comments, problems, and such, and you can gague it from there. (Good shot trying to solicit insider info though :p)

Also, I would wait at least until 10.3.1 update comes out. I waited a while for 10.2.3 to come out before I even bothered looking at buying it to give Apple time to release big fixes and enhancements.

In *my* experience Jaguar is much faster than Puma, but that's just because of the graphics optomizations (that is, rendering the GUI on graphics card, not CPU, on supported models).

For more comparison with PCs: my father runs a Dell 2.2GHz with 2 GB of RAM and Windows XP. Yes, it screams, but so does my tweaked 10.2.5 on my iMac TFT 700MHz with 1/3 the RAM, and consumes a fraction of the electricity.

I used to be a PC user a few years back; I switched, and never looked back.

Also, my iMac is about a trillion times cooler looking than the big Dell tower ;)
You could just state: Jaguar is/will be loads faster, if and only if you have the correct hardware ... That about sums it up, right? Same with PC, ever tried to run XP on a somehwat older PC? No offense but I do want to be able to open an MP3 Player when I'm playing a movie in the background and burning a CD ...