How To Change The Boot Up Screen Background

no no no, the boot panel is easy to replace. I'm talking about the background, behined the boot panel. You know, it's blue.
NO NO NO :mad: :mad: :mad: NOT THE LOG IN BACKGROUND, BUT THE BOOT UP BACKGROUND !. Visage only changes the log in background.
Actually, the boot logo is stored in the BootX file in /System/Library/CoreServices/. I don't think anyone has found out how to replace that blue color yet.
What one person did was simply to make the panel image as large as their screen resolution, so the background is still blue, but it's covered by whatever you've got in the image. This is explained in bobw's first link.
No, this is again the LogIn Screen. He want to replace the BootScreen that's light gray under Panther with the Apple logo on it.

But replacing the bootscreen is possible too. At least the logo in the middle could be replaced with anything you want. But you can't change the size of it. And the background could also be changed but only with a single color.

I've got a long time the StarfleetCommand logo on a black background here.

This could all be done in the earlier mentioned BootX file. You can download some replacement files and tools for this. Just try it with something here:

Hope that's what you're searching for.
No, I believe he did it for the boot screen as stated here:

The article begins referencing the changing of the login screen, but the actual article is about changing the boot screen. It's really simple, actually, and is a simple matter of placing your own custom-made PDF file in the correct location. In order to get rid of the blue background (or, to "hide" it, I should say) you simply create a PDF file that's the exact size of your screen, so the image fills the entire screen.
Well since his picture is pointing to the blue background with the word "THIS" on it, I'm assuming he mean the boot up background you get when the OS X dialog box is shown.

Of course I could be wrong. :)
naodx said:
Well since his picture is pointing to the blue background with the word "THIS" on it, I'm assuming he mean the boot up background you get when the OS X dialog box is shown.

Of course I could be wrong. :)

Yes, exactly -- you make the new boot image PDF file the size of your screen resolution and put whatever you want in the picture -- a new background, a picture, etc. It doesn't CHANGE the blue background, but it covers it up so you can't see it.
Oh, I see. But I like my BootPanel. I guess thats as good as it gets, untill some one figures out how to change just the background. If I was good in Photoshop I could take my background image and then place the BootPanel on top of that and make it all one image. But that takes skill. Thanks, I guess this is as far as this post will go, thanks for all your help guys :D

PS: If anyone is willing to do this for me please e-mail me at (thanks) :cool:
Check it out, I placed the BootPanel on top of the "Background" that I wanted and presed the arow key down 42 times! :D


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