How To Delete Osx Lifetime Download History?

Mark Lynch

There are several articles online that discuss deleting the Quarintie file that logs every signle download on your computer from a couple of years ago.

On a machine with Yosemite the Terminal window returns a "No Such Table" error.

sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/* 'select LSQuarantineDataURLString from LSQuarantineEvent'

Is this an operator error on my part of does Yosemite no longer do this? I would like to be able to clear this table from time to time.


I just ran that command on my machine running 10.10.5. It spat out around 2300 lines with no errors or warnings.
I just ran that command on my machine running 10.10.5. It spat out around 2300 lines with no errors or warnings.


I am opening the Terminal window and simply cutting and pasting that exact command in and I get:

Error: no such table: LSQuarantineEvent

Any suggestions? It could be me but it seems like a pretty straightforward process.

That command works good for me in Yosemite, after a simple cut and paste into the terminal.
You could look to see if you actually have that file that it wants to use.
The number after the V might be different, but the wildcard * should take care of that.
Or, maybe you don't have a V2, and the file name ends at .QuarantineEvents

I think it's likely that simply trashing the and any other file with would not cause you any great difficulty, other than asking you the next time an app is launched. It would record that "transaction", and should just be a "one time only" response.
Restart your Mac after, if you decide to trash those files.
Those of us on Apple computers (and hackintoshes) need to be aware that our computers can betray us. There is a logging feature built into OSX that keeps track of your download history independent of your browser settings. If you are like me and value your privacy, here's how to see what your computer has to say about your activities.

(Step 1) Navigate to your "applications" folder, and find the "utilities" folder, inside you will find the "Terminal" program.


(Step 2) Launch Terminal and you should see something similiar to this:


(Step 3)Type (or copy and paste) the following syntax in Terminal and hit enter:
sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/* 'select LSQuarantineDataURLString from LSQuarantineEvent'

This will cause the computer to display a list of the file names and origins of every download you have done.

To clear this list from memory, type (or copy and paste) the following syntax in Terminal and hit enter:
sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/* 'delete from LSQuarantineEvent'

To check that the logs were cleared, repeat Step 3 and look for no results to show this time.
