The PowerMac G4 is limited to a hard drive no larger than 128GB.
The hard drive jumpers should be set for master.
You said that the boot chime is different? Does it last for 2 or 3 seconds?
That may indicate a hardware problem.
Check your hardware connections inside. Double check that your drive ribbon cabel is securely attached.
Reseat any memory chips, and reseat your video card in its slor. Reseat any other PCI cards that you have.
Be sure that your power cord is disconnected when you do all this.
Press the PMU or CUDA reset button. It will be near the battery. Just press it once.
I don't know which G4 350MHz you have. One has only PCI slots, and the other has an AGP slot for video card.
If you have the PCI model (older), then make sure that the jumpers near the processor heat sink have not been disturbed. There may be a tape seal covering those jumpers.
Plug your power cord back in, press and release the power button - then immediately hold the Option-Command (Apple)-P and R keys. You should hear a normal boot chime. Keep holding those same 4 keys until you hear the chime 2 more times, then release those keys.
If the 10.4.3 installer disk is in the drive, NOW try to boot to that installer, holding the letter C.
Does it work any better this time?
If you don't see the hard drive to select, then go to the Utilities menu, then Disk Utility, and choose your new hard drive, click the Erase tab, and continue with an Erase format of the hard drive. Quit Disk Utility, and you should then see the hard drive available as a choice.
final point - refer back to the first line - if you have a hard drive larger than 128 GB, then that will give you problems. There are solutions, but easier to use a hard drive smaller than that.