How to kill caps lock light on PowerBook?


Rusher of Din
I am probably getting a new 12" PowerBook soon and always remap Caps Lock to Control. Only problem is that there's no way to disable the light on the Caps Lock key. Anyone know of any way to kill that light from coming on?

michaelsanford said:
Other than removing it from the key, no.

I'm thinking that it is likely possible - I don't recall the capslock light coming on while I'm playing Quake 3 Arena on my mac.

On the x86 side of things, its very easy to do in linux.

I suspect, however, that we'll never figure it out :p
I realise this isn't the classy looking thing to do, but you could stick some tape over it or something similar.
The reason that Caps Lock doesn't come up in Quake III is that Quake III "maps" functions to keys, and it returns the keyboard to a neutral state (no caps lock on, no number lock on, etc.) every time it launches. Quake III "takes over" the keyboard in the sense that it prevents the caps lock key from activating caps lock, so the light never comes on.

It seems from this that it should be possible to prevent the light from coming on through some sort of software, I don't think anyone's written an app to do it yet.
ElDiablo, that's interesting: I'd assumed that the light came on through a function of the logic board but now that I think about it, that doesn't make much sense...

hazmat, how do you remap your keys exactly?
michaelsanford said:
ElDiablo, that's interesting: I'd assumed that the light came on through a function of the logic board but now that I think about it, that doesn't make much sense...

hazmat, how do you remap your keys exactly?

Depends on what hardware and what OS. In Windows NT/2K/XP there's Ctrl2Cap, which does just what I want, by remapping Caps Lock to Control and that's it. In OS X for USB keyboards there is built-in functionality to swap Caps Lock and Control. For the Powerbooks, though, the keyboard is ADB and you would need to use uControl, which works great; only problem is that the Caps Lock light acts is it would normally, which sucks.