[HOWTO] - Setup DHCPD (Server) on Mac OS X (Workstation)


mach-o mach-o man
Ok, this is for those of you who want to set up a DHCP server to allow other computers to grab ip and dns information off of your computer. This is especially useful if you have a small private network and wish to automate the addition of other computers.

For this howto, basic terminal skills and admin-level access are required. Its not hard, don't worry :p

BTW, if you allready have a dhcp server on the network, turn it off first :)

First, go to the official DHCP web page and have a look around:
here's the source code - download it by control-clicking the link and selecting 'save as...'
Now, logged in as an admin-level user, open the Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities)
type the following commands:
cd /path/to/the/file/you/downloaded
tar -zxvf dhcp-latest.tar.gz
cd dhcp-3.0
[i]get food or something - takes about 3 mins to compile - oh btw, when prompted for a password, enter [b]your[/b] password[/i]
cd work.darwin
cd server
sudo make install
cd ../common
sudo make install
cd ../dhcpctl
sudo make install
cd ../opamip
sudo make install
thats it! now you have the binaries for the server, as well as some dhcp-tweaking utilities installed. If you're nuts, you can simply:
sudo make install
in the dhcp-3.0 directory - but be warned - you are replacing existing Mac OS X dhcp client files as well, and I don't recommend this. (If you do this, and it works though, please post, I'm sure many would like to update their dhcp clients too).

Now, we have to configure the server. Still to go is making it startup on startup :p

cd into /etc
cd /etc
ok, now type sudo pico dhcpd.conf
This is the dhcpd configuration file (duh).
Here is a URL I found extremely helpful at this point: http://www.linux-mag.com/2000-04/networknirvana_03.html
the next page in the url is also helpful.

For the impatient, here is a copy of my /etc/dhcpd.conf file - just paste it into pico.
## /etc/dhcpd.conf file
## compiled by the infamous super-hacker unix guru kilowatt from macosx.com (you need this in the file for things to work :p )
option domain-name-servers;
ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
subnet netmask {

default-lease-time 300000;
max-lease-time 350000;
option routers;              
if you're in pico like me (vi sucks btw) press control-o, then hit return to save the file.

ok, now before we start the dhcpd, we need to touch up a fake database file so that dhcpd will think its been ran before. I think its rather stupid that we have to do this, and there's probably a way around it, but for now, whatever :)

sudo touch /var/db/dhcpd.leases

okey dokey, now we're set. Here's how you start the server:
sudo dhcpd &

more to follow on starting it automatically and netinfo integration.

1) every /etc/dhcpd.conf file on the internet is wrong - type mine *exactly* as it appears caus dhcpd is very picky apparently. Especially important is the semi-colin

2) To start the dhcpd server on an interface other than your default gateway (which is highly desireable on dual-interface configurations used as an internet gateway), start dhcpd like this:
sudo dhcpd en1
see ifconfig -a for a list of interfaces.

3) the man page for dhcpd (man dhcpd) is wonderful. Stop by there before you search yahoo or google.

enjoy the dhcp server, please ask if you have any questions.

Oh, and btw, adjust the config file to your preferences - if you don't have a dns server at, for example, don't say you have one (but put your isp's dns server there).
ok, ate some food, read some of 'An AIX Companion" (circa 1994 written by David L. Cohn), banged my head against the wall, read some more, and came up with a macintosh startup script. Pretty cool, huh?

ok, so here's what to do:
in the terminal as an admin-level user:
cd /Library
mkdir StartupItems
[i]skip that step if its allready there - check by typing ls[/i]
sudo chown root:admin StartupItems
[i]if you trust all your wheel (admin) users to be smart people, you can leave it owned to wheel (the default)[/i]
ok now download my file :)
and move it and unstuff:
sudo mv ~/Downloads/dhcpd-startup.zip .
sudo unzip dhcpd-startup.zip
sudo rm dhcpd-startup.zip
thats it!

it should create a directory called 'dhcpd'. Poke around in it to see how it works.

If you want, you can do this in /System/Library/StartupItems, but apple requests that you put it in /Library so that it isn't confused with apple's startup stuff.

Thanks to Yoshi, IckyShuff, twyg and Julian for putting up with me and supporting this in #macintosh - without them this would not be here.

btw, admin, can you allow us to post .tar.gz files? I had to learn how to use the 'zip' command (which was incredibly hard) and I had to figure out that zip -x doesn't unzip :) only unzip does :p


yeah, I'll post one later on tonight!

probably has to do with the thread being moved from UNIX discussion to the Archive.
File no longer available

download the file (use the 'save link as...' thing, don't just click it, we don't want Stuffit Expander doing anything).

now, in the terminal:
cd /Library/StartupItems
cp ~/Desktop/dhcpd-startup.tar.gz .
tar -xzvf dhcpd-startup.tar.gz
rm dhcpd-startup.tar.gz
thats it!

enjoy :)
Last edited by a moderator:
I have tried to install the latest version (3.0p1) on the latest OS X release (10.2.1) and all I get is error messages. When I enter ./configure I get the following list of error messages:

Making links in common
ln: raw.c: No such file or directory
ln: parse.c: No such file or directory
ln: nit.c: No such file or directory
ln: icmp.c: No such file or directory
ln: dispatch.c: No such file or directory
ln: conflex.c: No such file or directory
ln: upf.c: No such file or directory
ln: bpf.c: No such file or directory
ln: socket.c: No such file or directory
ln: lpf.c: No such file or directory
[... I have cut some lines that are similar to these...]
ln: discover.c: No such file or directory
ln: comapi.c: No such file or directory
ln: dhcp-options.5: No such file or directory
ln: dhcp-eval.5: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [links] Error 1
make[1]: *** [links] Error 1
make: *** [links] Error 2

Amd when, after that, I try to make I get the following:

Making all in common
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `raw.o', needed by `libdhcp.a'. Stop.
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Can anyone help me with this and/or update the instructions for 10.2.1 and the latest release of DHCP?

Dominik Schmid
Just a note with starting the server, you might need to mention the network adapter to listen on

something like -

dhcpd & ne0
When i try to start the dhcpd (sudo dhcpd en1) i am told that "No subnet declaration for en1 (my ip)".

What could this mean and how do i fix it?
Problem solved.

But a new one has just entered the door.

The startup script does not seem work properly for me. It is not a problem starting the script manually but even though it tries (i can see that on the startup screen) it is not started successfully.

I do not know where to begin looking for the reason to this problem so maybe someone could guide me here?
For the subnet problem check that the subnet declared is consistent with your IP address.

Also make sure there is a network attatched to the ethernet port, my ibook's network port doestn become active uinless its pluged in, thus the DHCP server cant start if the network port is not active.
doemel said:
I have tried to install the latest version (3.0p1) on the latest OS X release (10.2.1) and all I get is error messages. When I enter ./configure I get the following list of error messages:

Making links in common
ln: raw.c: No such file or directory
ln: parse.c: No such file or directory
ln: nit.c: No such file or directory
ln: icmp.c: No such file or directory
ln: dispatch.c: No such file or directory
ln: conflex.c: No such file or directory
ln: upf.c: No such file or directory
ln: bpf.c: No such file or directory
ln: socket.c: No such file or directory
ln: lpf.c: No such file or directory
[... I have cut some lines that are similar to these...]
ln: discover.c: No such file or directory
ln: comapi.c: No such file or directory
ln: dhcp-options.5: No such file or directory
ln: dhcp-eval.5: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [links] Error 1
make[1]: *** [links] Error 1
make: *** [links] Error 2

Amd when, after that, I try to make I get the following:

Making all in common
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `raw.o', needed by `libdhcp.a'. Stop.
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Can anyone help me with this and/or update the instructions for 10.2.1 and the latest release of DHCP?

Dominik Schmid

I had exactly the same problem with installation - the path to the directory I was trying to compile DHCP in had spaces. The easiest way around this is to try creating a symbolic link with spaces replaced by some other character - eg:

/Rootdir/lots of spaces/dhcp-3.0.2
>cd /Rootdir
>ln -s "lots of spaces" lots_of_spaces
>cd lots_of_spaces/dhcp-3.0.2

Then run ./configure again, and it should all work!

Thanks to kilowatt for getting me started on this. My solution is pretty barbones, but it works for me.

1. Download the DHCP code from http://www.isc.org/.

2. Expand the package. I used /sbin as the directory.
sudo tar xcvf dhcp-X.XX

3. Change in to the new directory.

4. Build and install the package.
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

5. Add dhcp.plist to /System/Library/LaunchDaemons
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
This is configured to launch on start up.

6. Configure dhcpd.conf
Here's a verison of what I used: Sample 1
## /etc/dhcpd.conf file 
## compiled by the infamous super-hacker unix guru kilowatt from macosx.com (you need this in the file for things to work :p )
## tweaked for fixed addresses by Chrispy.

option domain-name "Your_domain.com";
option domain-name-servers,;

##Check ddns?
ddns-update-style ad-hoc;


##define the Subnet to be served.

subnet netmask {

##Define the DHCP address range to be served.

default-lease-time 300000;
max-lease-time 350000;
option routers; 

## Fixed IP addresses the name isn't too important.  Just match the MAC address (hardware ethernet) the fixed-address to use.  Watch the semicolons.
host comp1 {
  hardware ethernet 00:11:22:33:44:55;

host comp2 {
  hardware ethernet 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee;

host comp3 {
  hardware ethernet 00:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa;

host router {
  hardware ethernet 00:aa:11:bb:22:cc;

Now dhcp should be availalbe using the service command, and you should be able to start and stop it normally. It should also launch at start up. If you want to turn it off, just edit the .plist.


There's also the option of using bootpd, which is included in OS X. Did you find a deficiency in bootpd where ISC's dhcpd was better?

If not, would a howto on setting up dhcp services with bootpd be helpful?
So, I'm trying to share my internet connection via the built in wireless connection on my powerbook. A couple people with Linux laptops have tried to connect, but only people with macs have met with success. It appears that DHCP requests aren't being answered. So, I tried the steps detailed in this thread, but dhcpd can not bind to the interface...

frisbee:/etc root# dhcpd en1
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.4
Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/
Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
Listening on BPF/en1/00:0a:95:f4:fa:fe/10.0.2/24
Sending on BPF/en1/00:0a:95:f4:fa:fe/10.0.2/24
Can't bind to dhcp address: Address already in use
Please make sure there is no other dhcp server
running and that there's no entry for dhcp or
bootp in /etc/inetd.conf. Also make sure you
are not running HP JetAdmin software, which
includes a bootp server.

Any ideas on how to get this thing to hand out DHCP over the wireless connection?

OS X 10.4.7, 15" Aluminum Powerbook 1.25 GHz.

Thanks to kilowatt for getting me started on this. My solution is pretty barbones, but it works for me.

1. Download the DHCP code from http://www.isc.org/.

2. Expand the package. I used /sbin as the directory.
sudo tar xcvf dhcp-X.XX

3. Change in to the new directory.

4. Build and install the package.
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

5. Add dhcp.plist to /System/Library/LaunchDaemons
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
This is configured to launch on start up.

6. Configure dhcpd.conf
Here's a verison of what I used: Sample 1
## /etc/dhcpd.conf file 
## compiled by the infamous super-hacker unix guru kilowatt from macosx.com (you need this in the file for things to work :p )
## tweaked for fixed addresses by Chrispy.

option domain-name "Your_domain.com";
option domain-name-servers,;

##Check ddns?
ddns-update-style ad-hoc;


##define the Subnet to be served.

subnet netmask {

##Define the DHCP address range to be served.

default-lease-time 300000;
max-lease-time 350000;
option routers; 

## Fixed IP addresses the name isn't too important.  Just match the MAC address (hardware ethernet) the fixed-address to use.  Watch the semicolons.
host comp1 {
  hardware ethernet 00:11:22:33:44:55;

host comp2 {
  hardware ethernet 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee;

host comp3 {
  hardware ethernet 00:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa;

host router {
  hardware ethernet 00:aa:11:bb:22:cc;

Now dhcp should be availalbe using the service command, and you should be able to start and stop it normally. It should also launch at start up. If you want to turn it off, just edit the .plist.
ok, now type sudo pico dhcpd.conf

if you're in pico like me (vi sucks btw) press control-o, then hit return to save the file.

I hope in the last 8 years you've managed to realize that not only is editing config files with pico a noob mistake.. bashing vi in the same post is even worse.
I hope in the last 8 years you've managed to realize that not only is editing config files with pico a noob mistake.. bashing vi in the same post is even worse.

no, vi does suck and this has nothing to do with n00b. it's just 1337 or wanna be 1337 brag-a-thon-ware that makes any UI designer wanna kill your kitten.
I believe that's why they came out with vim, or "vi improved."

BTW, nano schools all you n00b's text editors several times over. ;)
vim? just the same tired old fart in slighly newer clothing.

i'll take nano, pico over any vi variant anyday. what you think you'll get is what you'll get. not what you think you'll get will
a) destroy your text
b) quit with unsaved changes
c) overwrite your precious default config with garbage that you accidently entered yourself