I remember...

I started using a mac about...

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  • Just starting to see the wonders of Macintosh!

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Originally posted by twyg

I remember when the system, PageMaker, and half your documents fit onto one 1"1/2 floppy. (and you room to spare)

Inch and a half floppy!!!! Damn man, I didn't know they made them that small.

PS. Sorry to give you shit man, just couldn't help my self. :)
LOL :p
When I came back from greece they stuck me in a stupid ESL class 9even though my english was good :p)
Damn stupidos think not I could speake good Engulish :p
in any case I would spend time doing HW for other classes and playing games on the Apple IIgs
I don't know why I said 1 1/2... whadda crack smoker... It was 3 1/4 in drives.

MECC... Totally forgot about them! Oregeon Trail baby! What about the Election game, where you ran for office?

later, and sorry for the f-up on the 1 1/2 thing:rolleyes:
My family's first computer was the Texas Instruments TI 99/4a. Having full color (well 16 of them anyway) and multi-voiced sound, it was super cool. That was where I got my first taste of programming Basic.

Unlike my 4 older siblings, I got a shiny new Kaypro PC (a DOS IBM PC AT clone running at a whopping 4Mhz) for my HS graduation present. I was SET for the big time in college.

... at least that what I though until I saw the Mac lab at school. I did a lot of work on my PC, but I used the Mac's when ever I could. (The lab was always jammed.)

I ended up with 2 floppy disks by the time I graduated. On these I had a complete copy of MS Word 4 and all of my essays. Today this would probably require a 20 pack of ZIP disks.
Number munchers and word munchers, where you controlled those funny looking pac-man-with-leg type things, and you had to eat the numbers that added up to 5 or the words that rhymed? I remember playing these things back in 1st grade (1986). And I do remember Logo also. The apples in school were the first ones I used, until I got my own in 1990...I really don't remember what it was...but then we replaced it with a PowerPC in 1996 (120 MHz, I think!), and then a Beige G3 333? when I left for college, followed by a B&W G3 450 when there was some weird thing with the beige one's hard drive, and then my mom got a tangerine iMac, and now I've got my Ti G4! ahh...happy days.
One of the cool things about this thread is to hear how people manage to keep thier old Mac's running for some purpose. Unlike PC's Mac people so love thier machines that they try to keep them running forever...

I seemed to have started this trend in the family where old Mac's simply get handed down. This is especially funny for me because I have two older brothers and I always got their hand-me-downs. Now they argue over who is going to get my old Mac's.

Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
...I LOVED making my little "froggy" jump around the screen -- what program was that? Remember? "GO FORWARD 2," "TURN RIGHT," "GO FORWARD 5,"
Wasn't that called LOGO or something like that?

Oops... I just read a little further and realized that Soapvox beat me to this answer.

Originally posted by LordOphidian
Inch and a half floppy!!!! Damn man, I didn't know they made them that small....
The first place I worked in out of college had a computer running an audio mixing console (very high end) that used those enourmous 8 inch floppies. I think they only held something like 150k.

This was the great-grandfather of current audio tools like DigiDesign's ProTools...
Originally posted by Soapvox
I remember lemonade stand and Oregon Trail, I also had a bunch of games (my dad still has them) on real floppy's I think they are 5.25"

Lemonade was the first program I ever ran on our school's Apple ][ -- from a cassette!
I forgot to mention that I used a C128 once with a tape drive :p

I powered up my Peroform a month ago and all these memories came back :p

If I had another monitor I woould have it running :p

... *lol* ... i remember when everyone in my class at school was jealous because i had gotten a 16k ram upgrade for my sinclair zx81 (remember those?) ... then the c64 came around and it seemed like 64k was enormous... that was in '82 or something? does anyone remember when sinclair went out of business? still got that thing lying around somewhere at my parents house... :p

next computer was an atari mega st (30 mb harddrive, wow!!) which actually lasted until about three or four years ago... incredibly stable machines, those ataris. didn't crash once in about ten years. not one single time ... and perfect for making music with cubase ... :)

next an imac 350mhz slotloader, which i loved, but i soon upgraded to my current g4 and passed the imac on to my dad...
never owned windoze pc, never will... :p


  • zx81.jpg
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Being an OS/computer/technology freak I have a ZX emulator :p
When I frist say it I though that they keyboard was well suited for a hacker ;) Each key had like 5 different functions he he he

Have a look:

I wonder if I could network a mac an atari and an amiga together :p

On an aside not Atari clones are STILL made today! Used for publishing. They even upgrade the OS every so often!
my first ever computer at home was something called a timex sinclair. It was like 5k of ram with no disk. you had to hook it up to the tv to use it. You had to sit and program until you had it working then enjoy your results... then go eat dinner and have your mom turn it off (i was 10). After that commodore pet, apple IIE, trs 80, mac original, MacII, Next Box. (All compliments of computer labs). My first owned mac was a IIse. (wow 25Mhz). Thanks for the memories guys.
For a poor college student, optical disks may as well have been formed of pure gold. Plus, I think the lab they were in was CD-ROM only. I remember the interface and Mathematica literally taking my breath away. These NeXT boxes seemd magical.

I can see me then... sniffing the next box like the apes on 2001.:p
I remember Macs at my elementary school that I went to for the longest time. We started with those green screen ones that worked off a large floppy disc drive and didn't even have a mouse! We used to have to boot into games and typing programs.

I remember that school was like started by the guy who either invented or helped invent the mouse and sold the invention to Apple. I could be totally wrong about this but that is what I heard. John Couch is his name I think.

But anyway, we had macs for the longest time at that school. We went through those black and white ones with the smaller floppy built in, then to the color ones and then to ones that had cd-rom drives! I remember when that was the coolest thing. We used to play Oregon Trail and use Kid Pix and also we used HyperCard a lot. Oh, those were the days....

Now I'm 19, a graphic designer, video editor and multimedia guy and I couldn't imagine doing any of this without a Mac. Seriously, I tried using a PC at home for a few years and it just didn't work out. Now there are 3 Macs in my house. The only PC now is through Virtual PC. lol....

Originally posted by sithious
does anyone remember when sinclair went out of business?
I thought the Sinclair was made by Timex... the people who make watches?

What was the Timex computer then?