I want a bigger iPod Touch

How did they "revolutionize" the all in one concept? They had one, actually several, well before the iMac. So did Compac and I'm sure others. How did they revolutionize it other than make it "cute" and add colored plastic?
They brought with it the proliferation of USB, which, in turn, caused a surge of USB-based devices to market (external USB Zip drives, card readers, external storage devices, headsets, microphones, etc.) -- arguably, without the iMac, USB would not be where it is today. Remember when every damn piece of USB equipment on the market came in a bondi-blue color, or was offered with a matching bondi-blue accent piece meant solely to match the design of the original iMac? I sure do. It was an ugly, ugly time... but revolutionary, nonetheless.

It wasn't revolutionary in terms of hardware, but in terms of mass appeal and ease of use (remember the commercial about the PC vs. the new iMac, and the steps needed to get each on the internet? Little Billy, age 7, won that hands down -- not to mention the "There is no step 3" ad campaign).

It also used the G3 processor (not the first to use it, but the most well-known to use it) -- a relatively new RISC-based processor that was faster than Pentium counterparts clocked at higher speeds.

It also was the beginning of the end of the floppy drive (again, not the first to ditch it, but the most important to ditch it). Apple was chastised for this, but people soon saw the light that it was a dying technology. The iMac was revolutionary in helping people to understand that a floppy drive wasn't needed anymore. A new era of removable media was in: the CD-ROM, and solely the CD-ROM. The iMac wasn't the first with a CD-ROM by a long shot, but the first with only a CD-ROM.

In my opinion, the first bondi-blue iMac was, indeed, revolutionary. It redefined what people expected out of their personal computers. Not to mention it was "cute," and it could be argued that it's the first time people starting caring not only about the performance of their computers, but their aesthetics as well. In a sea of beige blocks, the iMac stood firmly out front and grabbed attention -- enough attention that some people credit it with starting the turn-around of Apple at the time.

Revolutionary doesn't have to mean "futuristic" or "uses some exotic material" or "operates in a way unbeknownst to mankind before this time." (Quotes are mine for emphasis -- not implying you said any of that)

You don't see the market? I sure hope Apple does.

The market is right. Now more than ever.
Then let's agree to disagree since we can't find much common ground to debate upon, yes?

Perhaps we can end this with a handshake, pat on the back, and a simple gentlemen's bet: you say "Apple netbook" before the end of the year, and I say "no Apple netbook" before the end of the year. Deal?
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Well to pipe into this argument I feel Apple is positioning itself to reintroduce a 12 inch (or smaller) Mac Book Mini or something along that line.
I think they rather extend the iPhone platform. So: A larger iPod touch, yes. Apple doesn't think much of small notebooks. I mean: They've _never_ done a real subnotebook after the Duo line - and certainly never under Steve Jobs. Listen to the introduction of the MacBook Air once more, and about how proud they were that its keyboard is full-size and the screen is 13.3". But a larger iPod touch, I can see that. If it has 3G networking, just imagine the ease of use of Mobile Safari on the iPhone now, but with much better readability. (Of course it'll also tackle E-Books much better.)

(Satcomer: Your current signature makes your MacBook Pro look incredibly slow..., 2.16 MHz??) ;)
I've bought the latest William Gibson novel as an audiobook. I've listened to the first chapter five times so far. I want to read the bloody thing. Actually: I want to be able to do _both_. (But I don't want an electronic voice like the Kindle 2's.) Either way: Reading E-Books on a larger iPod touch would be a good thing, but even if it's only about a better webbrowsing experience, I'm still all for it.
Perhaps we can end this with a handshake, pat on the back, and a simple gentlemen's bet: you say "Apple netbook" before the end of the year, and I say "no Apple netbook" before the end of the year. Deal?

Deal. Maybe a case of Shiner on the line?

Happy 4th everyone!
A case of Shiner it is...

Perhaps some ground rules? Let me know if these are acceptable:

1) Must have a screen smaller than 13.3", and larger than the iPod touch/iPhone screen
2) Must have a built-in keyboard (no virtual keyboards)

Otherwise, I think it would be too similar to the "Apple Tablet" that people are clamoring about -- and I think an Apple tablet-style computer would be radically different from a "netbook."

I can't wait to drink my Shiner! ;) hehe...
How do I transfer songs from my ipod to my itunes? I have a number of songs on my ipod that are not in my itunes. I have tried to transfer them but I can't. My ipod is in the 'manually manage music' mode so that I can take songs from other itunes.
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How do I transfer songs from my ipod to my itunes? I have a number of songs on my ipod that are not in my itunes. I have tried to transfer them but I can't. My ipod is in the 'manually manage music' mode so that I can take songs from other itunes.

Podview and it it is free.

I have no real desire to win this debate...

What a minute! Yes I do now that Shiner is on the line!

I really just want the device.
In my opinion, if they truly want to enter the market _above_ the price for a standard netbook, they'll want to redefine the whole category, so they _won't_ call it a "Mac" or "MacBook" at all. Their main interest is to extend the iPhone category (in which the iPod touch's at home as well). Shiner or not. :P
Shiner or not.
Easy to say when you're not the one that's buying the Shiner... ;)

I was thinking that an Apple-branded netbook would fall more in line with the iPods and iPhones than they would in the "Mac" line of computers... I still can't see where a Mac netbook would be used, though. When would I need something larger than my iPhone, but smaller than my already tiny MacBook? Where does this product fit into my lifestyle? What would it be used for? What niggling computer-need of mine does it fill?

fryke for correct new product name and EDCC for best description of new device.

While I personally would prefer a true Apple netbook, EDCC was correct in that Apple would try and redefine the field.

Where do I send the Shiner?