iChat & Photobooth in Leopard on a G4


Hello, my good macosx forums people. I just got Leopard. As u can see from my specs, I have a 12" powerbook G4. But I now have 1.25 GB ram and will be upgrading my hard drive very soon. However, this is the problem...when I use iChat or Photo Booth with my non-Apple webcam, I do not have any of those cool features that are advertised on the site, specifically using scenic backgrounds for ichat video (and I had to download USBwebcam for iChat to recognize my webcam), and the backgrounds for Photobooth. There is no effects button on iChat video. The so-called ones that come with iChat and Photobooth are no where. I can use theater to an extent, just buy sharing a picture. SO...do I not get the backgrounds because I'm running on a G4 PowerPC? Is there a hidden application I need to buy? Please help.
I have a 20" iMac G5 and having the same problem. I would have never known it was a problem untill I introduce a 24" iMac and a 13" Black MacBook for the holidays and was for the first time talking iSight to iSight. In the past was iSight to PC's or third party cameras. But back to the story my iMac G5 doesn't have the effects button at the bottom left of my video preview pane. All Macs have iChat version 4.0(6.01). I think that was correct but anyway they all match but don't all have the same funtions. One more thing my iSight is the external one, the new ones are internal. Someone please shed some light. Thank You in advance, Ryan!!
Did the 10.5.2 update a couple days ago and everyone is bragging about the translucent menu bar option and my G5 iMac doesn't have the option but my MacBook and 24" iMac intel does. Has to be the processor or generation. Please let me know.

Please anyone have an idea?????
okay...I did some research and found out that the compositions folder in the library, is used to hold qtz files, and I take it, since my compositions folder is empty, that is why I don'ty have the video background option, or could be why. I managed to get my non-isight webcam (usb) working with ichat, by way of macam. photobooth recognizes the camera, but it is just a black screen. Don't know what's up with that. Anyway, does anyone know where I can get the qtz files and do I need to download developer tools or something to manage that or can I just find them and put them in the folder? Thanks for the help, have a great day!
Not all...
The translucent menu bar and two finger scrolling and right click works on my G4 1.42GHz iBook (last version) with Leopard 5.5 but there is no way to turn the translucent menu bar off. :)
I'd expect most late model PPC Macs to be similar. Otherwise, just more reasons to upgrade to intel.
Not all...
The translucent menu bar and two finger scrolling and right click works on my G4 1.42GHz iBook (last version) with Leopard 5.5 but there is no way to turn the translucent menu bar off. :)

Well sorry to say that is false. On my G5 to turn off the translucent menu bar. After 10.53 (or .4) one can open system Preferences->Desktop & Screen Saver and there you can uncheck the box labelled "Translucent Menu Bar". So please refrain from spreading FUD.