
Doesn't that band around the middle look really out of place? Besides most-likely being taped on, of course. It rather mars the look; you don't see that on the iMac.
I just realized something, is the thing being pulled out from inside supposed to be the actual product??? HAHAHAHA

Sorry, no! I was calling that "another product packaging" because, people - that's another cardboard box! That's not a device! I was wondering why they where showing a 2nd product box. Notice there is no depth to any of the "plugs". shesh!

They were low resolution because they were taken with a Nokia camera phone. The Nokia camera phones take 640x480 VGA res pics with a high degree of artifacting. It also takes very short movies in 3GP format.

I don't think there were any Nokia camera phones available back in the 70's for the alien autopsie photo's were allegedly taken.

Arden said:
Just like higher quality pictures of all those alien autopsies, right? :)

Now, I wonder why those were so low-resolution... could it be for the same reason these are low-resolution?
Wow... like I am seeing tons of problems with it!

There is defiantly something on the top, a paper or sticker with "iHome" and the apple logo printed on it. A hard edge can be seen on two of the pictures. Difference shade of white. Pretty bad. This is the reason for the low resolution pictures, just as Arden suspected. :)

Totally 100% without a doubt FAKE!!!!
Move along people, nothing to see here! :)
Hehe... good fake, and it worked on me! I guess I wanted so much to believe it that my eyes overlooked the multitude of really obvious hints that it was a fake.

Uh oh, Serpico, looks like you won the bet before the product was even announced!

I'm gonna go retreat into a corner for a while... :P

Edit: Oops, I forgot I voted "fake!" Back to the corner...
Mark me down for fake, too. No Apple designer in their right mind would allow "iHome" to be written in such big-ass lettering. Fake

To be honest, I'm under-whelmed with it. I hope the real thing is even more svelt and sexy. I don't doubt that Apple may make an "iHome"-like device, but this is not it.
gollum84 said:
But what is in the box next to it that has a green label?

I think that's the box that spare iBook batteries come in.

This thing is clearly a fake - I think the iHome device is simply a block of polystyrene with some print-outs stuck to it. Just look how light it is in the video.


- The picture on the side of the box would be upside down when you carried it using the handle.

- The picture isn't even centred properly.

- The 5 pictures in a line, don't actually seem to hae any relevance to the product (a couple seem to be of people using PowerBooks).
Fake. Yep. At first blush it looks real, but look at it a little more and you realize, it's all fake. hahahaha!
as most people have already said, it is a fake. I mean, if this was real, Apple most likely would sue whoever released the pics, etc. Also, if you look closely, you can see that the ports were pasted on.

Also, I was reading my 20th anniversary edition of Macworld, and Steve Jobs had said that media PCs have all been failures, and the Mac and a TV are "two different animals", and they shouldn't be integrated. You use a TV to turn off your brain, and you use a computer to turn it on, according to him. So I highly doubt that we'll be seeing a media center Mac.
Will_Richo said:
Beats me why anyone would spend time making a fake? :confused:

What do they get out of it? :mad:

They get to see people like us arguing whether or not the product is a fake or not.
I have followed this forum for quite some time but have never posted.

I for one want to believe these are real pics but I think it is obvious they are fake.

The main thing I see wrong is the orientation of the iHome logo in relation to the inputs such as the slot drive and inputs on the oposing side. Seems to me that Apple would design it so that the slot drive would face the user if stood on its side AND have it so the logo is oriented parallel to the table. In the pictures for that to happen the slot drive would be facing up in the air facing the ceiling and the inputs would be facing down.

Doesn't make much sense to me but then again maybe I am just looking at the pictures wrong.

Anyway....just my quick thoughts. Have a good weekend.
Mark me down for fake. The Styrofoam in the the box has been cut and extra pieces where jamed on the right side to hold the thing in place. Also, looks like paper is wrapped around the box and poorly glued.

BTW, to hook it up to the TV you need RCA inputs which this does not have.