iPod Update Petition

As an owner of a 3G iPod, I have to say that I believe this is ridiculous. The iPod is not marketed, sold and promoted as an "upgradeable" device. Sure, it would be nice if Apple made some of the new features available to the previous generation iPod owners. But from a business stand point, I can fully understand why Apple wouldn't want to do this.

Be happy with what you have. If something in the 4G iPods is that attractive to you, sell your current iPod and put that money towards a new one.

are u sure the processor in the iPod 3G can shuffle songs just like the 4G one can ???

im not an expert, if i was an expert and knew that it was feasable, then id sign that petition !
Isn't the shuffle thing just moving an existing option to somewhere else on the menu?

Why wouldn't the 3G (or 1G or 2G) be able to do that?
I've never heard of a "petitiononline" petition that meant anything except to the people that signed the petition.

Anyway, one thing I'm kind of amazed Apple *won't* do is release an SDK or something for the iPods. It's been weird that there have been so few games produced by Apple for the iPod, that user-installable software upgrades aren't really possible (or the norm).

Of course there's the "Apple-likes-to-control-everything" problem, but I'm imagining that a wealth of available, innovative software for the iPod would be a major draw to the platform. How many "killer apps" would people need to produce for the iPod to make it even more of a must-have?
i think the shuffle thing requires processor thing and its different from turning it on on the preferences, i could be wrong though.
1. The petition is silly.

2. How are people creating the current set of various mini-Apps and such for the iPod?

3. There is no three. I just wanted a 1-2-3- list.
It's not going to work. ;) I have a 3rd Generation iPod and I would like to get new features as much as the next guy, but a petition isn't going to do anything.
Ripcord said:
Anyway, one thing I'm kind of amazed Apple *won't* do is release an SDK or something for the iPods. It's been weird that there have been so few games produced by Apple for the iPod, that user-installable software upgrades aren't really possible (or the norm).

Of course there's the "Apple-likes-to-control-everything" problem, but I'm imagining that a wealth of available, innovative software for the iPod would be a major draw to the platform. How many "killer apps" would people need to produce for the iPod to make it even more of a must-have?
Well one thing I'm amazed at is why people would want to play anything other than music on an iPod in the first place.Isn't that why a person bought it to begin with?Other than what's already available for the thing I see no reason to complicate the device! :p
Personally, I think the "Name that tune" game is a brilliant idea.

As it is, I AM a fan of convergant devices - if there existed a phone, PDA, and music player that had ALL the capabilities and good features of a Palm, Nokia Series 60 phone, and iPod, I'd probably buy it. When I'm on the train, plane, or long car trip, I wouldn't mind reading an e-book, looking up something on Wikipedia with GPRS or playing a game of Tetris/Solitaire. And I'm not nerdy enough to wear the "gadget utility belt", one or MAYBE two devices is my maximum (Right now that's phone and, occasionally, iPod).
I like my 3G iPod. I have no complaints with it, and am quite happy with the functionality. They new iPod looks great, and the features seem great, but I don't think that having those same features on my iPod will make my quality of life improve as much as just getting my current iPod.
If I weren't happy with the functionality of the 3G iPod, I wouldn't have bought it.
Can't you play snake on your cell phone or something? — signing a petition because you are irritated at the lack of new gaming options on a device meant specifically to play music is kind of silly, in my own humble opinion. As diablojota put it... when you bought the iPod then, you were certainly happy with it. When is the last time someone complained about apple releasing firmware upgrades for newer hardware. Heaven forbid the G5 desktops get a firmware upgrade... leaving those poor G4 owners sad and neglected.

This petition is simply misguided, (once again IMHO)
Fragger said:
Can't you play snake on your cell phone or something? — signing a petition because you are irritated at the lack of new gaming options on a device meant specifically to play music is kind of silly, in my own humble opinion. As diablojota put it... when you bought the iPod then, you were certainly happy with it. When is the last time someone complained about apple releasing firmware upgrades for newer hardware. Heaven forbid the G5 desktops get a firmware upgrade... leaving those poor G4 owners sad and neglected.

This petition is simply misguided, (once again IMHO)

I'm still happy with my iPod. The point is they added some things which could very easily be used on any iPod. There is no reason not to release the games for 1st generation iPods.
That is software. I bought hardware, they should continue to add more to what I bought, if they came out with a free tetris game for OS X they wouldn't tell me to buy a new computer if I wanted to play it.
So when Sony adds a new software feature to their TV sets that, say, controls volume automatically, should we all expect Sony to come out and update our three year old TVs with the same features? Hell no. If you want those features, buy a new TV.

It's like a bunch of Jaguar users getting all in a tiffy over the fact that Apple won't release an update and let them use FileVault too. When Tiger comes out, I suppose we can all bitch and moan about how Panther users should be able to use SpotLight and Dashboard as well, and get upset when Apple won't add those features to our older OS.

Doesn't matter if it's hardware or software. You say it's hardware. I say it's software. It's actually a combination of both. You don't know whether or not the software will even run on your old iPod -- it may or may not, but you expect Apple to put the extra time and effort into making it work on your old iPod... why? What's wrong with your iPod as it is? You bough it with a certain feature set, you were happy with that feature set, and now, for some strange reason (envy, jealously, etc.) that feature set is no longer "good enough" and you're upset that people who buy brand-new iPods have a more robust feature set than you?

I don't want to offend anyone, but I will when I say that it sounds as if greed, envy and jealously are fueling your desire for an updated older model iPod. There's no reason in the world for Apple to backtrack and add those features to older iPods. Sure, it would be nice and kind of them to do so, but they are under no obligation to do so, and they aren't "stiffing" anyone or "screwing" anyone by not doing it.
As I have already said I'm happy with my iPod. When it first came out one of the big things everyone was happy about was we could easily add more features. The games are just small little programs, yes it is possible that an older iPod would not be able to run the newer games, but just look at them do they look like they are harder for the iPod to run than breakout? It seems to me that Apple works harder keeping the extras from me than just making all iPods the same software wise. And the iPod is hardware, the software is just an added free thing so that your hardware does something. (In the iPod case).
ablack6596 said:
As I have already said I'm happy with my iPod. When it first came out one of the big things everyone was happy about was we could easily add more features.

They were? I don't remember the "open-ness" of the iPod's software being a huge thing when it was first released -- it's most definitely NOT an open-platform and requires custom SDKs to develop for it.

ablack6596 said:
It seems to me that Apple works harder keeping the extras from me than just making all iPods the same software wise. And the iPod is hardware, the software is just an added free thing so that your hardware does something. (In the iPod case).

See? "Free thing?" Software is most definitely NOT free, especially if the new iPod uses even SLIGHTLY different software than previous generations of the iPod. You automatically assume that the software for the 4G iPod is compatible with the 1, 2 and 3G iPods without modification. Even the simplest of fundamental OS change in the iPod can screw a simple game like Tetris up royally.

If it were really, really that easy for Apple to just release the new software for the older iPods, don't you think they would have done it? And if the software is so easy to program, then why hasn't some 3rd party done it already?