iPulse, cool!


Translator, Web Developer
Hey I just downloaded this neat application for monitoring system usage, and it's displayed in a really cool composite circular gague.

Measures network usage (up/down), page swapping, cpu, disk, and ram usage. Fully customizable, and even updates its dock icon realtime.

It doesn't use too much processing power either (3.8% - 7% peak) with a transparent window and all the gauges (text on 4 of them) updated every second.

You can also have it superimpose a clock, which is kinda neat but a total frill.

iPulse looks really great. Just like CandyBar was in its own domain.

The Iconfactory may have lost some speed in icon-production, the software they release besides is worth it.
iPulse is very good.

I don't understand what is Kon Fabulator
Yah I wouldn't pay for iPulse either, but it's useful to have.

Maybe if I was a sysadmin and I was monitoring a server or something, but then, there are other, better ways of doing that with OS X Server.

Still cool for a client though!
I'm curious... I've turned off nearly everything (I just want the memory meter really) and I'm wondering: what are the three red dots on the top half of the circle?

Edit: Never mind, that's the load average over the past hour. I hate it when I spend 5 minutes looking for something, post a question, and then immediately find the answer myself! D'oh ;)
Only problem with not paying for it (besides the morality//rightness issue): The reminders to pay appear to get progressively more annoying. On my machine it currently brings itself to the front, hides all other applications, and says "Please register iPulse" every so often (30 minutes or so?). Rather annoying. Although I am wondering if there is anything else it does if I let it run longer... :p
Originally posted by macavenger
Only problem with not paying for it (besides the morality//rightness issue): The reminders to pay appear to get progressively more annoying. On my machine it currently brings itself to the front, hides all other applications, and says "Please register iPulse" every so often (30 minutes or so?). Rather annoying. Although I am wondering if there is anything else it does if I let it run longer... :p

I'm not at that stage yet. Just reminders every few hours when I click it.

Sure is a pretty pursuasive way of getting people to register or get out, ain't it?

As I said, I hope Konfabulator comes out before all this starts happening.