Is it ok to move around an external hard drive?


For some reason, a few people I know think that is is 'bad for the hard drive' to move it around, e.g. from room to room. Can anyone confirm/deny this? Doesn't seem very logical to me.
If the external drive is running at the time, probably not a good plan to move the drive.
If the drive is disconnected (not running), and you don't accidentally drop the drive, then there shouldn't be any problem with moving wherever you like.

An older drive may need to have the heads 'parked', but any modern drive (like less than 15 years old) isn't under that limitation, and would set itself to the 'parked', or safe position by default at power down.
Putting a hard drive in a bag and carrying it around (gently) is no different from the hard drive being shipped from the place it was manufactured to the store where you bought it.

To those "few people" who think it's bad to move a hard drive around, I would ask: "So how would you get the hard drive home from the store if it's bad to move it?"

It is ridiculous to think that moving a hard drive around is going to damage it -- the hard drive experienced a much more "active" ride from the manufacturing plant to the warehouse to the store than it would moving it room to room.

Of course, this all changes if the hard drive is actually on while you're moving it.