We LAN-Party at the office every now and then after work...
Our popular game (mostly cuz all PCs and my Mac have it) is Unreal Tournament.
I've been told that I have too much of an unfair advantage using my Mac and they are trying to get me to use my PC instead - but I keep them at bay saying it's too busy being the server (what they dont know is that my Mac can be the server too - shhh!
And Unreal isnt even made to take advantage of my Dual Processors!
I already got 75% to 90% of my PC friends lusting over Macs and OSX. (the rest, I'm affraid - can't be saved. <sigh>)
Not to mention my Mac outperforms my PCs flat when it comes to Design (It litterally ran circles around my 1Ghz Athelon and blew a higher-end IBM Laptop out of the water [crashed w/BSOD BAD]
Macs are faster,
Macs have better video quality,
Macs with OSX are pratically bullet-proof,
Macs with OSX handle memory much better - seeming to never run out of memory nomater how many Apps I have open (even Classic resource hoggers like Photoshop), even in OS9 I didn't have any problems memory wise.
Mac OSX has a form UNIX under it's hood,
Apple has won two awards (that I know of) - a Grammy and an Emmy!
Show me a PC that can come close to any of those (that the average Joe can buy).