Is owning an Apple Computer an advantage?

Nope, it is a severe DISADVANTAGE. Owning a Mac is like walking around with a "kick me" sign on your back, but really not giving a shit one way or another about it!

The deal is that the people who DO kick you are the ones who don't know a damn thing about computers one way or another, and simply regurgitate some crap about how PCs are superior that they heard somewhere along the line from some other uninformed bozo. Take your own route -- use both then decide for yourself. That's what I did.

Remember back in school -- the saying that the nerds will run the world? Well, we're accomplishing that forecast and we're using Macs to do it. Let the jock-PC-users sneer all they want. Hehe... and they ARE like jocks -- all they can talk about is how "strong" their graphics are and how many frames per second they get... "My PC can bench Quake 3 at 200fps..." "My PC can jerk-press 1600x1200 resolution at 150fps!"
For many (not all) work related stuff, I must use WinBlows. They've given me a desktop and a laptop. Luckily I'm friendly with the IS guys and can get my TiBook and home Mac into the network but we still have problems every once in a while. These probs never happen - to me - in all-mac nets but they do happen in all-PC nets, so it's not the mix (or at least not TOTALLY the mix).

I have never seen something you can do on a PC that cannot be done on a Mac. Usually easier, faster, more efficiently and better.

Also, I have macs close to 20 years old still serving one purpose or another at home. Can't say that for any of the old PCs I've played with.

So, while the upfront cost of a Mac is almost always more, I find you get better bang for your buck with a mac...

ALTHOUGH.... my Prism is slowly taking over most mundane tasks previously done on one of my macs. With the sprint data link, it's even my cell phone... It's nice to take notes while on the phone with someone while walking down the street... I do get some odd and the ocassional awed look, though.
We LAN-Party at the office every now and then after work...

Our popular game (mostly cuz all PCs and my Mac have it) is Unreal Tournament.

I've been told that I have too much of an unfair advantage using my Mac and they are trying to get me to use my PC instead - but I keep them at bay saying it's too busy being the server (what they dont know is that my Mac can be the server too - shhh! :)

And Unreal isnt even made to take advantage of my Dual Processors! :D

I already got 75% to 90% of my PC friends lusting over Macs and OSX. (the rest, I'm affraid - can't be saved. <sigh>)

Not to mention my Mac outperforms my PCs flat when it comes to Design (It litterally ran circles around my 1Ghz Athelon and blew a higher-end IBM Laptop out of the water [crashed w/BSOD BAD] :) )

Macs are faster,

Macs have better video quality,

Macs with OSX are pratically bullet-proof,

Macs with OSX handle memory much better - seeming to never run out of memory nomater how many Apps I have open (even Classic resource hoggers like Photoshop), even in OS9 I didn't have any problems memory wise.

Mac OSX has a form UNIX under it's hood,

Apple has won two awards (that I know of) - a Grammy and an Emmy!

Show me a PC that can come close to any of those (that the average Joe can buy).

10 years after high school, what do you call the kid that you used to call "nerd"?

"Boss." :D
It's been less than four years since I graduated HS and people have been calling me "boss" for a year now.... I must be an early bloomer :p

Hey speaking of LAN parties... anyone up for a game of BOLO ? :confused:

Originally posted by Tormente

Macs with OSX handle memory much better - seeming to never run out of memory nomater how many Apps I have open (even Classic resource hoggers like Photoshop), even in OS9 I didn't have any problems memory wise.

Mac OSX has a form UNIX under it's hood,

Apple has won two awards (that I know of) - a Grammy and an Emmy!

Show me a PC that can come close to any of those (that the average Joe can buy).

Sorry! This is one "Avg Joe" that will never buy another PC. I would rather work with, instead of work on my computer :)
It is an advantage because Mac users have a friendly community to turn to. Not one that is always grumpy because their sound card started spitting cherios this morning.

Group hug everyone! :D
jadey, it depends on your definition of a 'nerd'... even though i'm a mac user people will still call me a 'nerd' sometimes. I'm not a true nerd however. I can't explain it... but you probably know what i mean. you can be interested in computers (especially macs) and not be a 'nerd'.

Anyways I think that owning a mac is a privelage. It makes using a computer so much more enjoyable. PC users are really in self-denial. They will say "macs suck" but then if you show them your mac they can't help themselves from being interested.

The community aspect of Macs is a widely unnoticed benefit. Just look at this site or other places like it. Just look at the IRC server here. Its a community!

/me hugs everyone :D
I think it depends on your situation. I would argue if you were, say, 5,000 feet above the Earth with nothing holding you up, it would definitely be more advantageous to have a parachute than a Mac.

Hell, I'm a nerd, and a Mac user (although admittedly I play with FreeBSD and some distros of Linux also). I'm a software geek to the bones.

Although I have a hard time convincing people of it unless they see me sit in front of a computer for a few days straight just coding (eating and... other activities excluded).

Oh yeah, and I also drive a <a href="">Corvette Z06</a> (with a nice mod done in Germany so it doesn't decelerate once it breaks 100mph... shhhh), play soccer professionally, and go to as <a href="">many modern rock concerts</a> as I possibly can (pit only, of course). The perception of a nerd has definitely changed (Billg on the other hand... well, he's an entirely different ball game).

Yeah, I aggree. I think there should be a new category of nerds. The 'cool' nerds. I'd count myself in that group. The nerds who dont just code all day and eat. The modern nerd.

Bill is just the typical nerd.

I would put steve jobs in the cool nerd category. Because, well, he is cool. :)
Right on gplex, theres the super-calculator-no-social-skills-nerd and then there's the social-inventive-intellectual nerd. I would have to say that most of us here belong to the second catergory.
I don't know who you are trying to delude, but Macs DO NOT have better video QUALITY. They may be able to deal with mpeg2 data faster than a PC, but that doesn't mean the quality is any better. The graphics card/monitor combination is what affects quality, and every video card in the last 3 years that has been available for the Mac has also been available for the PC. The same can not be said of the reverse (for example, you can't buy a card for the Mac like the high end 3Dlabs Wildcat and Oxygen cards).

The Mac is a great platform, and in many ways is superior to a Wintel machine (Lintel is a harder comparison), but video QUALITY is not one of those ways.
thereqs a lot of things that go into video quality, and in terms of hardware, what the mac uses is also available for the PC, this much is true. However, if you look into more subtle things, like when your monitor is at 16 bit how well does your OS choose the colors in its palette to properly display a picture? How about system wide, native, and actuallt utilized color correction? How about laptops that interpolate resolutions so that you get the full screen even if you're playing Starcraft at 640x480? If you're going to talk about hardware, Macs use decent hardware, and PC's vary depending on make and model. If you talk about something like video quality, software is as important as hardware. Usefulness is a factor. Is it implemented? Macs kick ass in video quality, though PC's will be getting higher FPS in Quake for a while yet.

Sound may be a different story, although I'm damn happy that sound on my mac simply works all the time, I'd like to see 5.1 as the standard instead of stereo. Is that such a stretch? I think audio is a place where macs are stagnant right now. All the same, having lived on a mac is an advantage. I show people how to use Windows programs all the time, using simple things that I though would be common sense. The Mac is a cleaner model of how a computer is supposed to work.