Is this true about Macs?

You asked us to "Replace '12-year-old girl' with 'Macintosh'", and I think many 12-year-old-girls would find the very thought of being replaced by iMacs and MacBooks a little disturbing. Maybe that's what he's picked up on... :P
Heh... whether literal or figurative, no matter -- just tell them it's the first step toward a cyborg society, and everyone will be better for it. :P
This is still going on? Sheesh! It's been fun reading the back-and-forth, though. But should we just let this beaten-to-a-pulp horse rest in peace? :p
Thanks nixgeek, I think that's just about it.

It really is not that complicated and anyone in doubt can read the few clear sentences I wrote with an open mind. They are brief and some corners are cut which I have explained in full. I would repeat myself going further into this.

I admit I got lost when Jeff brought in 12 year old girls in his semi-paranoid assumptions on what I can, mean, have experienced or have not experienced (of which he knows nothing), have not written, or did intend to say behind the lines - all of which nothing is true.

Though experienced and approaching "elder", I have yet to learn what good an unfriendly tone can bring. I'm a decent man, expert in my field, and there is no reason to insult me or anyone else this way.

I don't feel I was insulting. I may not have sugar-coated it, but I didn't mean to nor did I write anything that could be construed as insulting. Sometimes it may take some thick skin to have a conversation with me -- there are many here who probably know that, and many more that require thick skinned participants too, but that's not meant as insulting. If my words were taken that way, I sincerely apologize. It's all just good, fun debate here.

I'm not going to purport to know what you do or don't know or have experienced. I only know you from the blog post, so that's the information I have to respond to and that's the information I've been going off of. I'm all ears for the rest of the story, if you feel something's been misunderstood.

At any rate, I would love to continue this conversation, but I can't promise to be any different than I already have, and I surely do not intend for any of this to be taken personally. It's all in the spirit of good debate, and if you feel I've taken a crack at your expertise or something, by all means, crack back. I mean no offense by it. I don't want this thread to die because there is more to be discussed -- you wrote a blog entry intending for the general public to read it, and now the general public is taking issue with the information contained. Let's discuss. I would very much like to hear about the real-world experience you have with Macs on a network and JET database corruption.
AAAAAARRRRRGGHHHH <head explodes from length of this thread>.

I fear there is no agreement to be reached here any more. It has stayed mostly friendly but everyone has passed on as much information as they can, and everyone has listened as much as they are going to by now.

If you agree with me please don't reply to this thread again. Lets just all go on about our business of helping people with their mac issues. :)


[edit - sorry about the shouting!]
