iTunes Burning Issue


I'm having an odd burning issue in iTunes. I created a playlist of 19 songs and tried to burn them. It errors out and says that the attempt to burn disk failed and it can't reattempt because it lost connection with the drive or something.

However, I created two new playlists to burn a copy of a CD I just bought and it burnt them fine.

My multi-artist CDs are failing but not my single artist CDs. I doubt that that's the issue but that's the only differance I can see at the moment.

CDs that worked are all bought from the iTunes store in the past two weeks. All an album purchase.

CDs that didn't work are a mixture of bought songs and a few mp3 files. I tried it with and without the mp3 files and it still failed.

All are in playlists. Two that worked were created yesterday. The failed list was created a week ago.

Maybe I should just try a new playlist.
Also, what kind of CD are you trying to burn? Audio CD? MP3 CD? Data CD?

I've run into this before when trying to create an MP3 CD with a playlist that contained protected AAC files...
Did you make sure the time/size did not exceed the blank disk size? Also remember Apple Fairplay DRM and not burning the same playlist more than three times. One more thing, did you get any of the songs from software that fell off the back off the truck?
All songs were legal. If they didn't fit on a disk iTunes would tell me. Same goes for the three times burning a playlist idea. There are no early warnings, only old ones.