Can I choose to disable the options of genre and ratings for ALL the mosic that I have now and that I will EVER put to my iTunes?
I just so deeply H A T E when I find 4 tracks of the same song when e.g. 1 is clssified as classic, 1 as latin, 1 as world .. and so on. The same track!
I do NOT want to have at all the rating - it is my music so i really don't care - and the genre - it really breaks my balls.
If I choose all songs, and apple-j, I can choose to not show the genre or rating, but do they still exist in iTunes??? I want to completely disable them! I hate multiple tracks of the same track
And is there around a remove-all-the-dumb-duplicate-tracks thing??? I hate when I have e.g. a Metallica track .. and then a Metallica (an empty space after metallica) and a metallica tracks .. in 3 different folders! I REALLY want a remove-dumb-duplicates-program or apple script or if tehre is no, I want to write one ...
I just so deeply H A T E when I find 4 tracks of the same song when e.g. 1 is clssified as classic, 1 as latin, 1 as world .. and so on. The same track!
I do NOT want to have at all the rating - it is my music so i really don't care - and the genre - it really breaks my balls.
If I choose all songs, and apple-j, I can choose to not show the genre or rating, but do they still exist in iTunes??? I want to completely disable them! I hate multiple tracks of the same track
And is there around a remove-all-the-dumb-duplicate-tracks thing??? I hate when I have e.g. a Metallica track .. and then a Metallica (an empty space after metallica) and a metallica tracks .. in 3 different folders! I REALLY want a remove-dumb-duplicates-program or apple script or if tehre is no, I want to write one ...