iTunes Question


1337 H4x0r
Is it possible to make iTunes stay hidden or minimized when I open new media files? It's really annoying to have the entire program come up every time I open a new mp3.

If you use the mini-iTunes mode, (by pressing the Green (+) maximize button), it'll take up less screen, and you'll be able to easily ignore it when you open a new Sound File.
True, but I have a relatively small (15") screen and I need to have as much free space as I possibly can. It would be great if someone knows a hack for this.
Well, I don't know of any hacks to get around this, but there are better ways of browsing/playing MP3s than double-clicking them. If you double-click a file, the Apple human interface guidelines state that the application associated with that file open or become active.

If you'd like to play MP3s from the Finder, then just set the Finder window to column view and then use the MP3 preview to play it.
Aha! Interesting workaround. Only problem with that is that if you start browsing other folders will stop playing the music.

I would suggest playing them through quicktime, but the quicktime players' controls are even bigger than the mini iTunes ones.
True, but then you can't actually select the MP3 you want without bringing iTunes to the front.

I just don't see it happening, unless the new 10.4 brings a different level of multimedia integration to the Finder. We still need certain applications to play MP3s (you can't play them "blindly" from the Finder), so it just goes without saying that you have to deal with an application to play the MP3.

Would be nice to see if one of the gurus of Konfabulator can make a widget so you can "drag and drop" an MP3 on it and it'll play without opening any applications or bing any applications to the front.
I've found a way for QuickSilver users =)
Download the iTunes plugin from the QuickSilver plugins site. Install it, and then relaunch QuickSilver. Now toggle the QuickSilver bezel and type "iTunes." You'll get options like "iTunes Catalog" and "iTunes Playlists." Find the song you want by browsing through those, choose a song, and hit return. The song will start playing in iTunes and the iTunes window will not change state (if it was hidden, it will stay hidden.)