Non of the mentioned browsers have everything a browser needs. And apple could bundle it with the OS (not part of it), and drop IE all together. Better name yet (but goes against the whole iApp idea), CyberX(ex, not 10), it would at least turn heads when you talked about it. The big things people want with a browser is speed, stability, plug-ins, customizing abilities, and having it work very well and look good. Apple can do it, I've yet to see one of the mentioned ones above have 3 of theese (yes, it is my optinion). And, has anyone else noticed that MS does not change the look of thier browser for Windows? The first one I saw was IE 3, it still looks very close in 5.5 (haven't seen 6). And all the Mac versions of IE have improved their apperance. that is one thing I liked before X was out, I had IE 3, 4, and 5 running in 9.0 and would have PC friends over and would launch 3 then 4 then 5. They would get mad that it looked better each time. Anyway, that's my thoughts for tonight.