iWeb or iBrowse?


Offical Mac nut
One thing Apple is missing is a browser, I loved the one they did make, but can't remember the name of it right now. (The one with the dog) If Apple made a browser that would be so nice, I bet they could make it fly and be very stable. And unlike other companies, it wouldn't be interleaved with the system itself. I think if Apple would make a browser, iWeb would be a better name for it.
YES!!! That's it, I can finally go to sleep, I've been trying to remember. Thank you!!!!!!!!
five reasons for Apple not to go back into the browser business:

- Internet Explorer 5.1
- Netscape Navigator 6.x
- Mozilla
- OmniWeb
- iCab

there are more, of course, but I think the most important one is that there is nothing to be gained, really.
Non of the mentioned browsers have everything a browser needs. And apple could bundle it with the OS (not part of it), and drop IE all together. Better name yet (but goes against the whole iApp idea), CyberX(ex, not 10), it would at least turn heads when you talked about it. The big things people want with a browser is speed, stability, plug-ins, customizing abilities, and having it work very well and look good. Apple can do it, I've yet to see one of the mentioned ones above have 3 of theese (yes, it is my optinion). And, has anyone else noticed that MS does not change the look of thier browser for Windows? The first one I saw was IE 3, it still looks very close in 5.5 (haven't seen 6). And all the Mac versions of IE have improved their apperance. that is one thing I liked before X was out, I had IE 3, 4, and 5 running in 9.0 and would have PC friends over and would launch 3 then 4 then 5. They would get mad that it looked better each time. Anyway, that's my thoughts for tonight.
Apple has agreed to use Internet Explorer as their default browser as part of a settlement with Microsoft, however this agreement runs out in a matter of a few months, and it is not impossible that they will look to releasing a replacement of their own, perhaps based on an open-source one.
However, it would be costly and wouldn't really gain them too much, aside from a little less microsoft in OS X.
Apple ought to just buy the Omni Group and have their whole library. Including Omni Graffle.

Those are tools for the professional.
Cyberdog was the best. I downloaded it the other from cyberdog.org and I was running it in Classic with OS 10.1.3! What a wonder! I can't believe some old software still works in Classic under OS 9.2.2 or whatever it is. You should download it just to remember the good ol' days. Brings back memories...
Apple has nothing to gain except more competition in areas that they are even more far behind than their current focus. This is my same position behind a PDA because there are too many solid products on the market that have had the trial and error period necessary in any new product. The iPod has worked because there is no defined leader as of yet and yes, it is a work in progress. If anything, the purchacing of Omni and making it standard and faster might be the direction to go. At least then it has stability for a base and a loyal following. How long did it take for Mozilla to become anything good? Apple can't afford the development period on a project that will be free and not revolutionary.
iPhoto? How many programs are out there that do what it does, with the exception of building a web page and the book?
Originally posted by kainjow
Cyberdog was the best. I downloaded it the other from cyberdog.org and I was running it in Classic with OS 10.1.3! What a wonder! I can't believe some old software still works in Classic under OS 9.2.2 or whatever it is. You should download it just to remember the good ol' days. Brings back memories...

Cyberdog sucked big time. It was based on OpenDoc (great concept, slow technology) and should have replaced 'all of your internet needs', so it was not only a browser, but also a terminal, an ftp client and such. It was yucking slow and didn't have support for the most basic browsing technologies used at the time. It was nice and yummy and all, but it sucked.

Apple should preinstall IE 5.x, Mozilla (newest milestone), iCab & OmniWeb plus Chimera if it ever grows up. They should include them all and give the user an option which browser to make the default (right now this doesn't work right).

But to brand their own browser really doesn't make any sense. It'd only attract criticism.
I think Apple should bundle OmniWeb with OS X once it can display as many pages correctly as IE can. This should happen by version 5, according to OmniGroup.

As much as I'd like to see a browser made by Apple (due to Apple's awesome GUIs), I rather "vanish" some other browsers. As a web developer, my dream is that hopefully, one browser soon wins the browser war (of course this won't happen). Be it IE, Netscape or whatever, but the time it takes out of developing webpage to make them as browser compliant as possible (which usually means IE 5 and NS 4.7....till now never seen a company who paid me to make them OmniWeb or Opera complaint...I often do it nonetheless if it is technically possible) is just crazy...time that could be spent on better things...my dream would come true if one day, all browser developers sign a contract that they all use an object model made by the W3C and just wrap their GUI and stuff around it...

iWeb (or whatever) would be cool, but only if it is 100% percent W3C, IE 5 or NS 4.7 compliant...
I dont want one browser. I want many browsers (each that offer different features) that all support standards. One browser would be horrible for the web.
Yeah, the iApps are just for Apple's digital hub strategy, so I don't think an Apple browser would be an iApp.

Anyway, I think an Apple browser could be cool, but I just don't think it's one of Apple's priorities right now.

When you create your own web browser, you'd be acting like Microsloth, and it wouldn't be a good idea to integrate it into the system. There's tons of people working on a whole range of different browsers right now, it's just not in Apple's best interests to hinder these peoples efforts, especially when it would probably just end up similar to OmniWeb or Chimera.