Jason's Daily Pic Thread! (Big pictures - not 56k modem friendly)

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hey jason, am i allowed to say i'm enjoying this thread and that i like your photography? :)

Took this shot yesterday of some tulips comming up. Nice depth...;)
Here's one:


This was taken a couple of months ago, after another of the snowstorms we got here. It's been an odd winter in this part of world. Usually, we only get 1 or 2 bad storms. This winter, there were at least 4. I've a few other shots from the storms... I'll post more later..
Originally posted by themacko
Are you guys using digital cameras to get these shots or what?

I use the Canon Powershot G3. I was using the Sony DSC-S85, both are 4.1 MP but the Powershot blows the sony out of the water.

I think we should include Aperature | Shutter Speed values.
Originally posted by ksv
No, they are drawing them pixel by pixel in MS Paint :D
I guess I meant, as opposed to using a film camera and scanning the photos in. ;) The I asked was just because those pictures are so good compared to my PowerShot S100, but it's only 2 megapixels so that probably explains it.

I used a reflective white backdrop to get this shot for my website redesign. Did a little retouching in photoshop.
F2.0 | 1/6 sec
Wow ! That is_a very nice shot, habilis. I'm impatient to see how you'll integrate that to your site (BTW, site URL=?).

1/20 sec | F 2.0
Took this shot this afternoon aiming for a high contrast stylish composition. Did some minor retouching in Photoshop. My wife is the subject(as usual).
question, habilis... are you taking these pics the day you are posting them. or just posting pics youve taken?

all pics ive posted were taken the day i posted, thats why ive had such a long break... i havent done any sets since the night in dc
Hey, I'm an amateur photographer! I'll have to get in on this.
I have some great subject material around me (mountains!) and a not too d*** bad digital camera (Powershot A40. I can do some really good stuff with this, almost everything I could do with an SLR. The automatic is sorta nice after having used my Dad's completely manual 1970s Minolta SLR for several years though!).

Anyway, look for me soon! ;)
Jason, I have always taken these pics on or the day before I post them, take a look at the embedded capture dates, otherwise there would be no fun in posting them here in this thread. The numbers underneath the pics are the Shutter Speed | Aperature value/F Stop. I take my camera EVERYWHERE I go, and I'm always going. It seems like it's always slung around my shoulder no matter where I am because I never wanna miss a photographic opportunity - I'm nerdy like that. Almost every day I set up still lifes for my own images catalog, kinda like getty images to use in my designs for ads or websites.

I use my images in my ads and website designs but I still consider myself quite an amatuer.

It's spring here in Cleveland, I can go outside and take a lot of shots I've been dying to take all winter. This evening I'm going to Wildwood State Park on the shore of Lake Erie to take some sunset shots. Anyway, hope I'm not bothering anybody by posting a lot of pics. Good luck.

I think a photographic assignment would be cool for this thread.
ok, here's a 'different' assignment that shouldn't be to hard. take a pic of one of your body parts that you feel is most representative of your personality. but since most photographers would immediatly think 'eye', then eyes are ruled out. ordinary portrait type shots are also discouraged. any other part is ok. it could be very micro if you want. it does not have to be identifiable. background setting should add part of the 'message'.

Shutter: 1/25th sec. | Aperature: f2.0
Ok, my hand isn't pretty but you might gather from what's in the background that I'm a nerd, and you're right.