Jason's Daily Pic Thread! (Big pictures - not 56k modem friendly)

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damn. i was going to shoot a pic of my hand, since i am an "artist" and all that. most of my work is traditional, i actually draw it & paint it. i guess i will have to actually think about this assignment...
well xyle, i would hope that your hand doesn't look like habilis hand and that it wouldn't be posed in the same position, with the same wedding ring, a book behind it, etc. there are no rules saying that more than one person couldn't have the same body part.

habilis - nice job in a short time. lots of little details i could get symbolism from if i wanted to - the wedding ring (relates to the whole left hand thing in a way), the words that are in focus enough to read, the pose of the hand - pointing - an extension of the eye. thanks. i like it.
no, it doesnt look like habilis hand.. but i didnt want to look like i cheaped out and just did another hand image. anyways.. i will have to do this later tonight.
okay. i havent taken a photo yet. but i did get bored tonight. and this really doesnt belong in this thread.. here goes anyways..

i loved your pic habilis. so i wanted to see if i could recreate it in 3d..
ecsyle one
xyle: wow, I am very impressed! The color matching is nearly flawless! heck,the whole thing is nearly flawless. I did a double take when I saw that. Hey while you're at it, i was wondering if you could make a version with a highly reflective black floor for me. If so you can send it to me aaron@bonkdown.com or post it. That would be awesome and of course I'll give you full credit for it on my site. What program are you using by the way?
Originally posted by habilis
xyle: wow, I am very impressed! The color matching is nearly flawless! heck,the whole thing is nearly flawless. I did a double take when I saw that. Hey while you're at it, i was wondering if you could make a version with a highly reflective black floor for me. If so you can send it to me aaron@bonkdown.com or post it. That would be awesome and of course I'll give you full credit for it on my site. What program are you using by the way?
thank you!! :D :D . i am not too happy with the image. i didnt get the lighting correct, but it is close enough. and the materials are unfinished. anyways. i used 3dStudio max on my windows machine (mostly because i do not know maya :( )
i will make a black floor version for you, no problem.

Shutter: 1/250th sec. | Aperature: f4.0
Finally got a good sunset. Took this shot last night on a breakwall on the shore of lake Erie.
Look at my background. I took the pic when i woke up early, and looked outside. I was in a car. I was going to florida....

Shutter: 1/600th sec. | Aperature: f4.0
Took this panoramic shot today at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Barb, Rachel and The Thinker in the background.


Shutter: 1/630th sec. | Aperature: f4.0
And this shot of "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin. This particular bronze copy in the front of the Museum was bombed in 1970 in an attempt to destroy it. It still bears the scars of that bombing at the base of the statue where the feet were blown off and the lower half was mangled.
Just thought i'd jump on the thread and post a picture of my own. This was taken out my window today using my olympus D-380 in SHQ mode. I scaled it down a bit before posting however :)

EDIT: So how do I post the picture directly in my post? the IMG button askes for a URL :P


  • clouds2.jpg
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Shutter: 1/200th sec. | Aperature: f4.0
It's springtime here in the Cleveland, so I decided to go look under logs for what I could find. It might not be pretty but this is a macro of an arthropod called the Wood Louse. Other common names for it are Pill Bug, Potato Bug, and Roly-Poly Bug.

Shutter: 1/636th sec. | Aperature: f4.5
Took this shot this afternoon around the Case Western Reserve University campus area. Today was a perfect Cleveland day; 70 degrees, sunny, not a cloud in the sky...
I love that pic Monkey.

Looks like an album cover, or something to grab your interest.

While I'm gushing, compliments to everybody so far!
Monkey, that is neat pic... cops, skateboarders it looks like, bikes, and all late at nite....cool
Originally posted by sUICIDE_mONKEY
Dublin, night.....

Excellent photo!

Habilis, I really like yours too. Especially the one of the rotting log.

Also, the one of Le Penseur. I was intrigued by the damage and did a search on it. I had no idea that Cleveland was such a hotbed of terrorists back in the 70s. It's sort of scary what was happening back then.
Thanks for your compliments Ugg, I do take a lot of pride in my amature photography.

Originally posted by Ugg
I had no idea that Cleveland was such a hotbed of terrorists back in the 70s. It's sort of scary what was happening back then.
Yeah the anti-bourgeois Weatherman group. They were a real hit during 'The Nam'. Nothin like a little home-grown terrorism to keep you sharp and frosty. ;)
huh compliments :) blush :), oh and Azzgunther u hit the nail on the head, workin on it for an album cover for a friends band, printed it out but printer decided to print it in a lovely shade of pretty pink,... damn printer, but yeah its too grainey tho, shot on 400 speed film, tried blurring it to remove the grain but looked unatural, oh and i didnt take it the day i posted it, but i developed, printed and scanned it on the day, hope that aint cheatin :),... film will never die.... tho some of those other pics are makin me want a digi cam.. cool 'the thinker' foto Habilis, ... oh what cameras are everyone usin here?, i have Yashica FX-3 just got a nearly brand new Zeiss 50mm/1.4 lense, with an agfa scanner .... oh and not cops,they are taxis,all the cops stay in at night and drink tea too dangerous for them on the streets of dublin at night :i....