Just got my ipod so happy

THEMACER: lol, my library is over 600 now, and that's only 2GB still! Sounds like the 300 was well worth it. :)

Get us some pics man! :)
Sorry about the pics they wont let me post it cause it says its too big and they are really blurry anyway. I have 4 pics how do i post them all at once with out setting up a web page or something.
I just upgraded to a 20 gig and my battery icon is wack. Sometimes it's full sometimes is empty and it's always changing. When it says it's empty it's not, keeps playing, and before i know it is full again. What the??? Also when the light is on it always looks full. It has 1.2.1 so i don't know what's up. However i find it funny that the firewire cable reduced in size greatly from my origional 10 gig. It's now a teany tiny cable. Wow.

Originally posted by twister
I just upgraded to a 20 gig and my battery icon is wack. Sometimes it's full sometimes is empty and it's always changing. When it says it's empty it's not, keeps playing, and before i know it is full again. What the??? Also when the light is on it always looks full. It has 1.2.1 so i don't know what's up. However i find it funny that the firewire cable reduced in size greatly from my origional 10 gig. It's now a teany tiny cable. Wow.


Hmm, the wacky battery icon seems to be a hardware problem with the new iPod models, then. I too have the same problem.
The FireWire cable seems to be new for the new 10 and 20 GB models :)
...and I beheld the pictures, and they were great!
Really nice stuff, the box alone makes me smile. :D Not too sure about the black covering though... :)
Congrats man! I love mine!

I got an iSkin (www.iskin4ipod) which I quite like. It does attract dirt a lot since it's high-friction silicon, but who cares I just throw it in (jus the iskin :) ) with my dishes at night...

I also use it to back up my essays and stuff. The old "my essay got corrupted" is now met with a "your grade reflects your technological ineptitude" hehe

Also I was going to mention that for some reason nothing I do can make the FW hard drive corrupt. That is, I had a LaCie 40GB external and like a slight breeze would wreck the filesystem, freezing the comp and rebooting, etc. I've carelessly unplugged my iPod 3 times without unmounting it (despite the huge signs yes) and nothing happened to it! Amazing!!! :)
LOL... I still prefer the iSee case, and it is all clear and it does not attract dust... heehee... and yeah, the iPod is quite a hardy little piece of gadget...
Originally posted by THEMACER
Hey that hurts trip you saying my ipod case is ugly.

Sorry there! I didn't mean it was "ugly" per say, but it isn't as bright and attracting as a white cover would be, there's nothing wrong with the overall case, just the color. My personal opinion.

Just have fun with it, that's all that really matters. ;)
aren't the iSkins great? but I gotta get a screen protector or its gonna get scratched...

what do I do if I scratch the screen?
I heard that you can buy some special liquid stuff that makes it look like it's not scratched. But other than that...I don't know. I've never really heard of anybody actually scratching the screen part. Strange.