I have a LaCie 320 GB Big Disk Extreme with triple interface (FW400/800/ USB 2.0) and for the last month the hard drive would turn-off on its own with Mac OS X displaying a warning about improper device removal. Yesterday afternoon it turned-off for the last time. There was a slight burnt odor from the back of the hard drive. When the power supply, a brick on a string, is plugged into the hard drive, the green LED is dim and blinking. When the power supply is unplugged from the drive, it is a solid bright green color. I'm thinking that the data on the drives is OK, I've never had any data loss frmo the drive turning off unexpectedly, but likely some component on a logic board burned out.
What are the chances of data recovery for this drive? Is LaCie very reputable for repairing its hard drives? I contacted LaCie's technical support site yesterday, no response yet, but I do know that LaCie DOES NOT offer data recovery services. Does anyone know what the going rate for data recovery is these days should something more serious be wrong with the drive? Does anyone know of any comanies that can recovery data from Macintosh hard drives?
This is very important that I get the data from this drive, my masters thesis is on this drive, and I'm not graduating without the thesis.
All suggestions are welcome.
What are the chances of data recovery for this drive? Is LaCie very reputable for repairing its hard drives? I contacted LaCie's technical support site yesterday, no response yet, but I do know that LaCie DOES NOT offer data recovery services. Does anyone know what the going rate for data recovery is these days should something more serious be wrong with the drive? Does anyone know of any comanies that can recovery data from Macintosh hard drives?
This is very important that I get the data from this drive, my masters thesis is on this drive, and I'm not graduating without the thesis.
All suggestions are welcome.